The narrator of the Captain Alatriste series, a friend of Francisco de Quevedo within the stories, illustrates Góngora’s feuding with Quevedo, both by quoting poetry from each as well as describing Quevedo’s attitude toward Góngora through the course of the story.
Captain | captain | Captain America | Captain (United States) | Captain (land) | Captain (association football) | Captain Kangaroo | Captain Hook | Captain Cook | Captain (British Army and Royal Marines) | Captain Beefheart | Captain (land and air) | Captain (naval) | Captain America: The First Avenger | Captain N: The Game Master | Captain (nautical) | Group Captain | Captain (U.S. Army) | Captain (OF-2) | Captain (cricket) | Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons | Captain Haddock | Captain (Royal Navy) | Captain Nemo | Captain (sports) | Captain Sensible | captain (land) | Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow | Captain Isaac Biddlecomb | Captain (armed forces) |