His nephews often teased him about this as well as his ability to sink ships and, with his bald head and big white beard, his resemblance to Captain Birdseye.
Captain | captain | Captain America | Captain (United States) | Captain (land) | Captain (association football) | Captain Kangaroo | Captain Hook | Captain Cook | Captain (British Army and Royal Marines) | Captain Beefheart | Captain (land and air) | Captain (naval) | Captain America: The First Avenger | Captain N: The Game Master | Captain (nautical) | Group Captain | Captain (U.S. Army) | Captain (OF-2) | Captain (cricket) | Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons | Captain Haddock | Captain (Royal Navy) | Captain Nemo | Captain (sports) | Captain Sensible | captain (land) | Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow | Captain Isaac Biddlecomb | Captain (armed forces) |
His television work included hosting the 1970s Canadian CTV variety series The Pig and Whistle, but he was best known for portraying Captain Birdseye in scores of British TV commercials from 1967 to 1998.