Captain | captain | Captain America | Captain (United States) | Captain (land) | Captain (association football) | Captain Kangaroo | Captain Hook | Captain Cook | Captain (British Army and Royal Marines) | Captain Beefheart | Captain (land and air) | Captain (naval) | Captain America: The First Avenger | Captain N: The Game Master | Captain (nautical) | Group Captain | Captain (U.S. Army) | Captain (OF-2) | Captain (cricket) | Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons | Captain Haddock | Captain (Royal Navy) | Captain Nemo | Captain (sports) | Captain Sensible | captain (land) | Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow | Captain Isaac Biddlecomb | Captain (armed forces) |
King Prawn, Raging Speedhorn, Medulla Nocte, Capdown, Miocene (band), Brutal Deluxe, Sanctum, Vacant Stare, Kane, BDF, PDHM, Latch, Anal Beard, Redhed, Lowlife, Vicious Rumours, Lightyear, Captain Everything, 7 Air, Sikth, Dash-k, A-Ko, Ja Crew, Cowpuncher, Inner Rage, Descent, Systemised, Razor Wire, Solace Denied.