The British forces, a contingent of Lord Methuen led by Captain Poison, were descending the 500 ft escarpment above town, when they were confronted by entrenched Boer forces of about double their number.
Captain | captain | Captain America | Captain (United States) | Captain (land) | Captain (association football) | Captain Kangaroo | Captain Hook | Captain Cook | Captain (British Army and Royal Marines) | Captain Beefheart | Captain (land and air) | Captain (naval) | Captain America: The First Avenger | Captain N: The Game Master | Captain (nautical) | Group Captain | Captain (U.S. Army) | Captain (OF-2) | Captain (cricket) | Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons | Captain Haddock | Captain (Royal Navy) | Captain Nemo | Strong Poison | Poison Ivy | Poison Idea | Captain (sports) | Captain Sensible | captain (land) |