
3 unusual facts about Capua


Outside the town, in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, there is the amphitheatre, built in the time of Augustus, restored by Hadrian and dedicated by Antoninus Pius, as the inscription over the main entrance recorded.

Under Pandulf IV, the principality brought in the aid of the Normans and, for a while had the loyalty of Rainulf Drengot, until the latter abandoned him to aid the deposed Sergius IV of Naples take back his city, annexed by Pandulf in 1027.

A new city was built in 856, but at some distance from the former site, where another town later appeared under the name of Santa Maria Capua Vetere ("Capua the Old").

Andrea Acciaioli

Sometime after 1358 and before 1362 she then married Bartolomeo II of Capua, Count of Altavilla.


At the end of the 4th century, Ausonius enumerated Aquileia as the ninth among the great cities of the world, placing Rome, Mediolanum, Constantinople, Carthage, Antioch, Alexandria, Trier, and Capua before it.

Battle of Capua

In response to their appeal, Hanno the Elder and his army moved north from Bruttium and collected provisions for Capua, and encamped near Beneventum.

Bellona, Campania

When the Saracens destroyed the ancient Capua in 841, some of their inhabitants moved to the Palmobara hill (the modern Bellon's frazione of Triflisco) founding the town of Sicopoli.

Caserta railway station

From the bus station at the nearby underground car park, many buses leave for neighboring destinations such as Capodrise, Portico di Caserta, Curti, Capua, Santa Maria Capua Vetere and many others.

Docibilis I of Gaeta

After the pope's death, he turned around and attacked Capua, according to Erchempert, with Saracen mercenaries in 900 and 903.

Eduardo di Capua

Together with the poet Giovanni Capurro, di Capua wrote the song "'O Sole mio", which has since been recorded by many singers, both classical and popular.

Enrico Lombardi

The Italian critics and writers Marco Goldin, Michael Loffredo, Nicola Micieli, Claudio Spadoni, Marco Di Capua, Alessandro Riva, Vittorio Sgarbi and Chiara Canali have dedicated him essays and texts.

Ferrovia Alifana

The company was inaugurated on March 30, 1913, with a first service held on the line Naples P.zza Carlo III Station-Santa Maria Capua Vetere/S.Andrea dei Lagni-Biforcazione-Capua (43 km), with 11,000 V 25 Hz monophase AC electric traction.

Flavius Salia

Constans dispatched him after the Council of Sardica, along with two bishops, Vincentius of Capua and Euphrates of Cologne, to the court of his brother, Constantius II at Antioch, with a letter from Constans demanding that Constantius restore the Patriarch of Alexandria Athanasius to his see.

Hanno the Elder

There was a certain Hanno who was a cavalry commander at Capua, one was in command at Metapontum in 207 BC, and was sent to Bruttium to raise fresh troops by Hannibal, another Hanno was sent to Spain in 206 BC by the Carthaginian senate, where he was defeated and captured by the Romans under Marcus Silanus in 207 BC, another Hanno was defeated and killed by L. Marcius in 206 BC near Gades and one, called the son of Bomilcar, was in command in Africa in 203 BC before the arrival of Hannibal.

Isabella Gonzaga

She was the daughter of Alfonso Gonzaga, Count of Novellara, and Vittoria Capua.

John III of Gaeta

On 15 October, Otto granted him the castle of Pontecorvo in recognition of his loyalty (he seems to have become a vassal of the Holy Roman Empire) and his participation in Otto's campaigns against Naples and Capua.

John IV of Naples

In 999, he was captured and taken a prisoner first to Capua, then back to Germany by Otto III, the Holy Roman Emperor, who had just visited Saint Nilus the Younger in Gaeta.

Landulf I

Landulf I of Capua (c. 795 – 843), called the Old, first gastald of Capua

Landulf I of Capua

The ruins of that city are all that is left of "Old Capua" (see Santa Maria Capua Vetere).

Landulf II of Capua

As American film director George Lucas is frequently said to have looked to Parsifal for inspiration in his creation of the Star Wars saga, Landulf II of Capua, via this long chain of association, is the closest historical source for the villainous Darth Vader.

Painter of Nicosia Olpe

Twelve of the forty-five vases where found in different parts of Italy such as Etruria, Capua, Nola, Taranto and South Italy as well.

Pandenulf of Capua

The bishop of Teano and the abbot of Montecassino urged John to resist the Capuan count, but John, wishing to retain his loyalty and to satisfy both claimants, consecrated Landulf as bishop of Old Capua, now called Santa Maria Capua Vetere, and affirmed Landenful as bishop of New Capua.

Pandulf II

Pandulf II of Capua (aka the Black (Niger) or the Young), son and successor of Landulf VII of Capua in 1007

Pandulf II of Benevento, the prince of Benevento from 981 and prince of Capua (as Pandulf III) from 1008 or 1009 to his death

Pandulf II of Salerno, the prince of Salerno (981), the second of such princes of the family of the princes of Capua

Pope Liberius

His first recorded act was, after a synod had been held at Rome, to write to Emperor Constantius II, then in quarters at Arles (353–354), asking that a council might be called at Aquileia with reference to the affairs of Athanasius of Alexandria, but his messenger Vincentius of Capua was compelled by the emperor at a conciliabulum held in Arles to subscribe against his will to a condemnation of the orthodox patriarch of Alexandria.

Richard of Capua

Richard III of Capua (died 1120), count of Aversa and prince of Capua

Richard II of Capua (died 1105/1106), called the Bald, count of Aversa and the prince of Capua

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Capua

The episcopal see was moved there; later the old city, growing around the ancient basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, was repopulated and called Santa Maria di Capua (current Santa Maria Capua Vetere).

San Tammaro

San Tammaro borders the following municipalities: Capua, Casal di Principe, Casaluce, Frignano, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Santa Maria la Fossa, Villa di Briano.

Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli

Despite having Naples in its name and some facilities in that city, it mainly developed in the territory of the province of Caserta particularly, including Caserta itself, Aversa, Capua, Marcianise, Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

Spartacus to the Gladiators at Capua

Spartacus to the Gladiators at Capua is a rhetorical monologue written by Elijah Kellogg for a student competition at Bowdoin College in 1842, and later published by Epes Sargent, one of the judges, in his 1846 School Reader.

Sthenius and Pacuvius Ninnius Celer

Due to ambiguities in some manuscripts of Livius, Pacuvius Ninnius is sometimes confused with Pacuvius Calavius, the chief magistrate of Capua, and for this reason, Sthenius is described as Sthenius Calavius in some sources.

Sulla's second civil war

The beaten Norbanus withdrew with the remnants of his army to Capua and Sulla was stopped in his pursuit by the second Consul, Scipio.

Thomas Southerne

His other plays are: The Disappointment, or the Mother in Fashion (1684), founded in part on the Curioso Imperlinente in Don Quixote; The Wives Excuse, or Cuckolds make themselves (1692); The Maids Last Prayer; or Any rather than fail (1692); The Fate of Capua (1700); The Spartan Dame (1719), taken from Plutarch's Life of Aegis; and Money the Mistress (1729).


It rises in the Abruzzese central Apennines of Samnium near Castel San Vincenzo (province of Isernia, Molise) and flows southeast as far as its junction with the Calore River near Caiazzo and runs south as far as Venafro, and then turns southwest, past Capua, to enter the Tyrrhenian Sea in Castel Volturno, northwest of Naples.

see also