A party of 30 to 40 men assembled at the seacoast near al-Is, between Mecca and Medina, where Amr ibn Hishām (Abu Jahl), the leader of the caravan was camping with 300 Meccan riders.
The survival of nomads (or Bedouins) was also partially dependent on raiding caravans or oases; thus they saw this as no crime.
The belligerent attitude of the Quraysh was exposed in the heated argument between Sa'd ibn Mu‘ādh and ’Amr ibn Hishām after the Hijrah.
Cessna 208 Caravan | Fenian raids | Dodge Caravan | Air raids on Australia, 1942–43 | Caravan Sites Act 1968 | BC Legislature Raids | Air raids on Japan | 1973 Murphy raids | Xá Lợi Pagoda raids | Reims-Cessna F406 Caravan II | Palmer Raids | Kharar Caravan Raid | Ikhwan raids | Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 | air raids on Japan |