His dissertation focused on refractory inclusions in Carbonaceous Chondrites.
Carbonaceous chondrite, a class of chondritic meteorites comprising at least seven known groups and many ungrouped
Since 1997, Richard B. Hoover has published numerous papers in scientific conference proceedings and in peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and book chapters describing controversial evidence and claims for the existence of indigenous microfossils of cyanobacteria and other filamentous prokaryotes in the CI1 (Ivuna and Orgueil) and CM2 (Murchison and Murray) carbonaceous meteorites.
The dust mass spectrometer detected material similar to the composition of carbonaceous chondrites meteorites and also detected clathrate ice.
L chondrite | Carbonaceous chondrite | H chondrite | LL chondrite | chondrite | Chondrite | Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand |