
2 unusual facts about Carcanet Press

Carcanet Press

It now resides in Cross Street, between where Mrs Gaskell's husband's Unitarian Cross Street Chapel used to stand, and the little graveyard of St Ann's Church where Thomas de Quincey's forebears are buried, and in whose font Thomas de Quincey was himself christened.

The magazine 'Carcanet' had fallen on hard times by October 1967 when Michael Schmidt, a newly arrived undergraduate at Wadham College, Oxford, took it over.

see also

Robert Gavron, Baron Gavron

1981-92; proprietor of The Carcanet Press Ltd. from 1983; and the Chairman of the Folio Society since 1982, the National Gallery Co Ltd (formerly named National Gallery Publications Ltd.) 1996-98, and the Guardian Media Group plc. 1997-2000.