
2 unusual facts about Carcross

Carcross, Yukon

Silver mining was promoted nearby in Conrad, Yukon in the early 1900s, but there was little to be found and mining efforts soon ended.

In 1904, Caribou Crossing was renamed Carcross as a result of some mail mix-ups with the Cariboo Regional District in nearby British Columbia.


Carcross |

Teslin Tlingit Council

Today, Tlingit is spoken in the Yukon communities of Teslin and Carcross, in the Atlin area of British Columbia, and in coastal settlements stretching along the Alaskan panhandle from Yakutat to Ketchikan.

Yukon Energy

The communities on the "Whitehorse-Aishihik-Faro" grid include Whitehorse, Champagne, Johnson's Crossing, Faro, and the following communities where it is distributed by YECL: Haines Junction, Carcross, Tagish, Marsh Lake, Teslin, Carmacks and Ross River.

Yukon general election, 2002

The riding of Ross River Southern Lakes represented by Dave Keenan (NDP) was split, with Ross River and Teslin going in Pelly-Nisutlin, the rest (Carcross and Marsh Lake) became Southern Lakes along with the portions of the Mount Lorne riding.

see also