YEC has developed a grid that connects hydro facilities in Whitehorse (Schwatka Lake Dam - 40 MW from four wheels, the fourth added in 1983), Aishihik Lake - 30 MW, and the YECL facilities at Fish Lake near Whitehorse.
The communities on the "Whitehorse-Aishihik-Faro" grid include Whitehorse, Champagne, Johnson's Crossing, Faro, and the following communities where it is distributed by YECL: Haines Junction, Carcross, Tagish, Marsh Lake, Teslin, Carmacks and Ross River.
United States Department of Energy | International Atomic Energy Agency | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | Yukon | Department of Energy | Whitehorse, Yukon | United States Atomic Energy Commission | Yukon River | renewable energy | energy | International Energy Agency | Valero Energy Corporation | United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Klondike, Yukon | Teslin, Yukon | solar energy | Haines Junction, Yukon | Energy | Efficient energy use | Origin Energy | EDF Energy | Mayo, Yukon | White Pass and Yukon Route | Nuclear Energy Agency | German nuclear energy project | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | dark energy | Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission | Energy Star | Devon Energy |
Together with the Tr'ondek Hwech’in First Nation an agreement has been made with Yukon Energy to supply electricity to Dawson City using the Mayo-Dawson Power Line.