
6 unusual facts about Carl Einstein

Carl Einstein

Einstein also worked on numerous journals and collective projects, among some of the more important: Die Aktion edited by Franz Pfemfert, Die Pleite and Der Blutige Ernst with George Grosz, and the legendary journal Documents: Doctrines, Archéologie, Beaux-arts, Ethnographie edited with Georges Bataille.

Originally given the standard German spelling of his first name as "Karl" at birth, he adopted the Latinized spelling "Carl" in the 1900s.

He was actively involved in the short-lived Revolutionary Soldiers' Council in Brussels and to a lesser extent in the failed Spartacist Uprising in Berlin and later in the defeated anarchist Durruti Column during the Spanish Civil War.

Regarded as one of the first critics to appreciate the development of Cubism, as well as for his work on African art and influence on the European avant-garde, Einstein was a friend and colleague of such figures as George Grosz, Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso and Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler.

Clément Pansaers

Along with several members of the Brussels avant-garde circle, he founded the review Résurrection, which published early texts by Carl Einstein, Pierre Jean Jouve, Franz Werfel, and others.

Rudolf Belling

His theories of space and form convinced even critics like Carl Einstein and Paul Westheim, and influenced generations of sculptors after him.

see also