
3 unusual facts about Carl Mitcham

Carl Mitcham

Mitcham has also engaged in the translation of notable philosophical works; for example, in 2004, he translated "Fundamentos de la Meta-Técnica" ("The Foundations of Meta-Technics") by Venezuelan philosopher Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla.

Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience

Jerome Clark, Board of Directors, J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, Chicago; Dr J. Gordon Melton, Research Specialist, Department of Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara; Dr Carl Mitcham, Professor of Philosophy and of Science, Technology and Society, Pennsylvania State University; Dr Marcello Truzzi, Director Center for Scientific Anomalies Research and Professor of Sociology, Eastern Michigan University.

Hendrik van Riessen

Carl Mitcham is to give the first Van Riessen memorial lecture.

Gilbert Simondon

Currently, Simondon can be seen as a major influence on the work of such scholars as Paolo Virno, Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Thiérry Bardini, Luciana Parisi, Brian Massumi, Adrian Mackenzie, Muriel Combes, Carl Mitcham, Andrew Feenberg, Isabelle Stengers, Thomas LaMarre, Bruno Latour and Anne Sauvagnargues.

see also