
3 unusual facts about Carl Pope

Ansel Adams: A Documentary Film

Interview subjects included Michael Adams and Anne Adams Helms (Ansel Adams's son and daughter), Mary Street Alinder, Carl Pope, Alex Ross, John Sexton, Jonathan Spaulding, Andrea Gray Stillman, William A. Turnage and John Szarkowski.

Carbon tax

Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, supports a carbon tax over cap-and-trade because employers will know exactly what they paid for the carbon dioxide they produced, and because a cap-and-trade system (with grandfathered permits) rewards those who have the highest emissions now and have done the least to reduce them previously.

Carl Pope

On June 7, 2006, in Washington, D.C., Carl Pope, along with labor leader Leo Gerard, announced the formation of the United Steelworkers' and Sierra Club's Blue/Green Alliance, after five years of negotiations between the two groups.

see also