
unusual facts about Carthago Nova

Hasdrubal the Fair

Thus, he extended the newly acquired empire by skillful diplomacy, consolidating it by founding the important city and naval base of Qart Hadasht, who would be lately called, by the Roman, Carthago Nova (Cartagena) as the capital of the new province, and by a treaty with the Roman Republic which fixed the River Ebro, Iberus in those time, as the boundary between the two powers, establishing Carthage's zone up to his south.

see also


Note for example Mahón and Qart Hadast (more famous under the Latin translation of its name: "Carthago Nova: - New Carthage) which currently bears the name of Cartagena in modern-day Spain.


Tobarra was inhabited before the Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, as shown by the fact that the Via Romana which connected Complutum (Alcalá de Henares) with Carthago Nova (Cartagena) was diverted several kilometres to pass through Tobarra, and afterward continued on its way to Illunum (Minateda).