
unusual facts about Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000

Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000

Token is willing to forgive Cartman, but Token's father, who is himself against hate crime laws, tells the boys they will have to convince the Governor of Colorado to free Cartman, after a failed attempt to sneak in a nail file hidden inside a cake for Cartman to bust out of jail.

A Song of Ass and Fire

Seeking an advantage to counter the PS4 faction's increasing ranks, Cartman contacts Microsoft, but CEO Steve Ballmer dismisses the importance of the children's conflict, and the commercialization of the console wars.


With the agreement of Cartman's mom, Butters' parents (knowing who AWESOM-O really is, but thinking it is an elaborate game that Butters is in on) decide to let AWESOM-O come along with Butters on a trip to Los Angeles to see his aunt, despite still being grounded for trying to exterminate the Jews.

Cartman, as the robot, comes up with over two thousand terrible, nonsensical film concepts (800 of which star Adam Sandler), whilst the movie producers are gullible enough to buy them as brilliant.

However, just as Cartman is about to reveal his identity, Butters reveals that he knows one of Cartman's secrets - he has a videotape of Cartman doing a Britney Spears dance routine to a life-sized cutout of Justin Timberlake while dressed as her and actually makes out with the cut-out, which he plans to show to his classmates the next time Cartman plays a prank on him, which Cartman is already doing.

Bang snaps

In the South Park episode "Good Times with Weapons," Cartman annoys Kyle by constantly throwing bang snaps at his feet.

Bass to Mouth

After they tell him that he must fix this or forfeit that which they promised him, Cartman devises a plan to reward the student body for their recent state exam scores with a pizza party, at which they will feed the students pizza laced with laxatives and Arby's horsey sauce, thus causing the entire student body to suffer the same misfortune as Pete and Jenny, diffusing the torment they experienced.

Breast Cancer Show Ever

While Cartman awaits the fight in class, Mr. Garrison says, "So you see, at this point Euripides knew he could not win the battle", referencing The Frogs, a comedic play by Aristophanes where the Greek tragedians Aeschylus and Euripides are measured against one another, the better to be revived so he can "educate the thoughtless" and rid Athens of evil politicians that are ruining the city (1500–1502, The Frogs).

Cartman Finds Love

Cartman sabotages Nichole and Kyle's date by singing to him the love song "I Swear" with Brad Paisley.

When Cartman learns that Kyle and Nichole have gone to a Nuggets-Clippers game together, he goes to the arena, and makes an impassioned plea on the arena's jumbotron for couples to recognize the importance of perseverance in their relationships, telling the audience that they should not let society dictate who they should be with, masking it as a plea to Kyle to not give up on their "relationship".

Cupid Me then tells the satisfied Cartman that he has found someone for him as well: Stacy Mullenberg, the poster child for Halitosis Kidz!, an organization dedicated to aiding children with morbidly bad breath.

After the crowd empties the arena following Cartman's announcement that the Batmobile is outside, Token and Nichole run into each other.


Cartman's grandmother dies and to the family's shock, Cartman inherits her life savings of one million dollars (since she assumed the rest of the family would just spend it all on crack).

City on the Edge of Forever

In the final flashback, Cartman recalls identifying his father, but he remembers it incorrectly with his father being John Elway (it is revealed twelve seasons later that Cartman's father indeed was a Denver Bronco, but not John Elway).


He has bought a red Corvette convertible, is wearing an earring, flirts with girls at traffic lights and turns up at the aforementioned party in Cartman's clubhouse organized by the runaway girls.

Crack Baby Athletic Association

After seeing the "saddest commercial ever" presented by Sarah McLachlan about crack babies, Kyle goes to help volunteer at the hospital, but finds Cartman already volunteering there.

Dances with Smurfs

She steps down as student body president, turning the title over to Cartman, and announces her own new book Going Rogue on the Smurfs.

Die Hippie, Die

Cartman then pulls out a knife and tells Kyle that he has plans for him; Kyle is then forced to watch Cartman having fun with his Tonka bulldozer in the school parking lot.

The rest of the town then pleads with Cartman to rid the town of the hippies; Cartman eventually agrees to help, but only after Randy promises to offer a Tonka radio-controlled bulldozer and Kyle's mother assures Cartman that Kyle will never have one, instead having to watch Cartman playing with the bulldozer.

Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?

Frightened into piety by Father Maxi's fire-and-brimstone sermon, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny begin to attend Sunday school classes with a nun named Sister Anne, who teaches them about Communion and confession.

Doug Herzog

In the episode, Kyle gives a speech to the president of the network as Cartman threatens to shoot him.

Eek, a Penis!

Cartman cites Bill Belichick's success after cheating in the Spygate football scandal.

When the kids begin to doubt Cartman's methods, he again points to Bill Belichick, implying that after he decided to win a game "for real", he ended up losing (in Super Bowl XLII).

Fat Butt and Pancake Head

However, it turns out to merely be a ventriloquist act with Cartman's hand acting as the head of "Ms. Lopez" (reminiscent of Señor Wences) who is a Hispanic stereotype in every way.

Francis Dolarhyde

In the South Park season eight episode, "Cartman's Incredible Gift", Eric Cartman fakes psychic powers and pretends to identify a serial killer who has cut off and collected the left hands of his victims.

George Hypolite

While playing for Colorado, He was given the nickname "The Rabid Goldfish" because Colorado alumnus Trey Parker (as Cartman) was announcing the starting lineup names, and called Hypolite "The Rabid Goldfish."

Ginger Cow

Cartman agrees to withhold this information, on condition that Kyle do everything that Cartman says, which includes indignities such insulting his own mother to her face, menial tasks and humiliating himself in public by allowing Cartman to fart in his face and announcing that he enjoys it.

Ginger Kids

At night, Kenny, Kyle and Stan sneak into Cartman's room and use skin bleach to make his skin pale, dye his hair red and put Henna tattoos of freckles on his face (but first they make sure he is unconscious, which Kyle makes sure of by hitting him with a small club more times than needed, due to his abject hatred of Cartman).


Meanwhile, Cartman embarrasses his mother, Liane, at Best Buy, exposing his buttocks in front of the customers and loudly accusing her of "fucking" him after she offers to buy him the cheaper Toshiba HandiBook.

I'm a Little Bit Country

Both sides decide to use the boys to give their opinion about the war, but their plan backfires because their parents interfered with their assignment about the Founding Fathers, and Cartman ended up in the hospital; shortly after, Cartman wakes up and delivers his message to the town, who see the truth of that statement and then break out into song (a version of "I'm a Little Bit Country" by Marty Cooper, as made famous by Donny and Marie Osmond).


The executives show the video to a team of experts at the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), who confirm that it is evidence of an actual Jewpacabra, and tell Cartman that the creature will come after him because he exposed its existence.

Kenny Dies

Cartman gives a speech to the House of Representatives on behalf of stem cell research.

Major Boobage

Cartman hides Mr. Kitty in his attic and suggests that it "write a diary", and he also reluctantly hides many of the neighborhood cats (strangely, out of compassion for the cats, not out of his usual and initial greed.).

Medicinal Fried Chicken

Colonel Sanders orders Cartman to stop Jamie Oliver, a British celebrity chef known for his campaign against fast food, as shown in his show Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.

Obama Wins!

An outraged Kyle reports this to the police, but by the time the police search his bedroom, Cartman has hidden the ballots at Stevenson's Hummer, a dealership outside of town.

He kidnaps Cartman, who understands that Mickey only cares about the election results because Mitt Romney would have taken a more hardline stance with the Chinese.

Tsao, Cartman and Obama meet at a Red Lobster, where they are confronted by Kyle, Stan, Kenny and their friends, who learn, via explanation by Morgan Freeman, that in exchange for Obama's re-election, the Chinese want Obama to give them the rights to the Star Wars franchise (which George Lucas recently sold to the Walt Disney Company), so that the Chinese can make future Star Wars sequels.

Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants

IGN rated the episode a 9/10, stating "There are a number of terrific jokes that manage to perfectly capture the mood and climate at the time" and praises the episode for its Looney Tunes parody between Cartman and Osama bin Laden.

Cartman, however, goes to challenge Bin Laden in a struggle of wits (a reference to the style of Anti-German/anti-Japanese Looney Tunes and Disney's animated cartoons during World War II.)

Professor Chaos

While Professor Chaos and General Disarray try to destroy the planet, Kyle, Stan, and Cartman pick six finalists to be their friend: Token, Timmy, Jimmy, Tweek, Towelie, and Pip.

Psychic detective

The episode "Cartman's Incredible Gift" of South Park depicts a skeptical view of psychic detectives.

Starvin' Marvin in Space

The boys promise to visit again (with Cartman sarcastically adding "Yeah, and maybe Jesse Jackson will be president").

Super Best Friends

In D.C., the Blaintologists begin to drown themselves in the Reflecting Pool even though it is only approximately a foot deep, while Cartman installs a hose in Kyle's glass bubble to fill it with water, so as to drown him.


Soon after, Cartman is sent to an anger management class, which he shares with a number of other people, such as Tuong Lu Kim, the Tall Goth, and a member of the Tea Party.

The Last of the Meheecans

Cartman joins the United States Border Patrol as a volunteer, where he is instructed to stop Mexicans from crossing the border, regardless of the "semantics" of which direction they are traveling.

The boys play "Texans vs. Mexicans" at a sleepover at Cartman's house, a game in which the "Mexicans" (led at first by Butters, and then Kyle due to Butters' poor leadership skills) attempt to elude the "border patrol" (led by Cartman) and cross the border into Texas (Cartman's backyard).

Tonsil Trouble

Instead Jimmy Buffett sings to Cartman, who is absolutely livid about all this.

see also