
4 unusual facts about Catalunya Ràdio

Catalunya Ràdio

Catalunya Ràdio has grown significantly since its inception, and is currently available in Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Northern Catalonia, La Franja, and Andorra.

Josep Pedrals i Urdàniz

He has also contributed to various mass media, including the Avui newspaper, Catalunya Ràdio or the magazines El Temps, Paper of Vidre and Bossa Nova.

Pius Alibek Hermez

He collaborates in the program "The Travelers of the Grand Anaconda" (Catalan: "Els Viatgers de la Gran Anaconda") of Catalunya Ràdio, where he hosts the segment "Travelling Words" (Catalan: "Paraules Viatgeres"), which explores how words were born and how they have evolved, especially words of Eastern provenance.

Roger Mas

In 1996, he won the Catalunya Ràdio Award, marking the launch of his career as a singer-songwriter.

see also