
unusual facts about Celibacy


This perspective on celibacy is echoed by several authors, including Elizabeth Abbott, Wendy Keller, and Wendy Shalit.


Celibacy |

Isotta Nogarola

She lived in celibacy and solitude, becoming devoutly religious, choosing instead to submerge herself in God and the Bible rather than humanism.

Jean-Louis Christ

"Célibat et mondialisation" (Celibacy and Globalization), in Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly ou le triomphe de l'écriture : pour une nouvelle lecture de Un prêtre marié by Jean-Pierre Thiollet, H & D, Paris, 2006, pp.

Luis Garza

While he was Vicar General Garza lead efforts to investigate charges of breaking his vow of celibacy brought against Legionaries founder Marcial Maciel.


Sacerdotalis Caelibatus (Latin for Of the celibate priesthood) is the name of an encyclical written by Pope Paul VI on the Catholic Church's tradition of priestly celibacy in the West.

see also