First introduced by historians A. G. Hopkins and Christopher Bayly, the term describes the phase of increasing trade links and cultural exchange that characterized the period immediately preceding the advent of so-called 'modern globalization' in the 19th century.
Toyin Falola and Emily Brownell (eds.): Africa, Empire and Globalization.
On the Banks of the Alima (its title is a reference to the Alima River; Ndinga Oba was born near the Alima) is a philosophical story that takes the form of a dialogue between a father and daughter; it focuses on the need to maintain a connection to the past and preserve cultural heritage, while at the same time looking outward towards the world and embracing a positive form of globalization.
Most notably his works focus on contemporary Chinese religions and Chinese Catholic theology, on the Yi minority in Sichuan, and on China's role in globalization.
José Bové (born 1953), a French farmer and syndicalist, member of the alter-globalization movement
Brasilinvest has been a pioneer in discussing themes such as globalization and its effects on the Brazilian market, with the planning, along with the Forum of the Americas, of important conferences and events aiming to promote investment opportunities in Brazil, with particular distinction to the Salzburg Conference in, Austria (1975), and events in the Principality of Monaco (2000), Paris (2003), Rome (2004), London (2005), and in New York City (2007-2008).
He has since 2008 been a senior fellow at the Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
By contrast to such economists and commentators as Deirdre McCloskey, Thomas Friedman and Jeffrey Sachs, McKibben does not promote globalization in the developing world, which he views as ineffective means of raising the global standard of living and unsustainable given limited global resources.
Manfred Steger, professor of Global Studies and research leader in the Global Cities Institute at RMIT University, compares the current study of globalization to the ancient Buddhist parable of blind scholars and their first encounter with an elephant.
Nevertheless, Princeton University professor Robert Gilpin argues that though economic globalization seems to be irreversible, nations' various economic policies have suppressed the impetus for their own economies to move forward, which he states has been shown in the past, thus debunking Shanquan's theory of economic globalization as a primarily irreversible phenomena.
In 2002, Federico Mayor Zaragoza co-founded with Boutros Boutros Ghali, John Brademas, Edward J. Nell, Karim Errouaki and Alain Chanlat the Centre Humanism, Management & Globalization (HMG) at HEC-Montreal.
As part of that endeavor, she and her husband, Harvard economist Stephen Marglin, formed an interdisciplinary and international collaborative team that has produced three books on critical approaches to development and globalization.
American political scientist Joseph Nye, co-founder of the international relations theory of neoliberalism, generalized the term to argue that globalism refers to any description and explanation of a world which is characterized by networks of connections that span multi-continental distances; while globalization refers to the increase or decline in the degree of globalism.
Marchenko gave a speech on "The development of Kazakhstan in the period of Globalization and the growth of financial markets" on 15 March 2006 at the Hong Kong Theater,Clement House, Aldwych, for the London School of Economics.
In recent years she has worked in television, and she is the author of several books including Building A Win-Win World, Beyond Globalization, Planetary Citizenship (with Daisaku Ikeda), and Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy.
On September 18, 2002, four days before Schröder's re-election, she attended a meeting at a restaurant in Derendingen (near Tübingen) with about 30 trade unionists from two local factories (the topic was "Globalization and Labor").
Categories include Feminism, Anarchism, Ecology and Primitivism, Prisons and Police, Native American Studies, Labor Struggles, Globalization, Capitalist Exploitation and Subculture.
J26 G8 Protests, a smaller-size convergence in what is commonly called the anti-globalization movement
Jaggi Singh (born 1971), one of Canada's most high-profile anti-globalization and social justice activists
"Célibat et mondialisation" (Celibacy and Globalization), in Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly ou le triomphe de l'écriture : pour une nouvelle lecture de Un prêtre marié by Jean-Pierre Thiollet, H & D, Paris, 2006, pp.
In 2001, he completed a project on globalization in collaboration with Aseem Prakash that resulted in the publication of three edited volumes.
Known as an advocate for the role of universities in globalization, he previously served as chancellor and founding dean of the Peking University School of Transnational Law in Shenzhen, China, president of Cornell University, dean of the University of Michigan Law School, and Chair of the Board of Internet2.
The protests set for the Washington Trade and Convention Center in Seattle sought to emphasize 21st century free trade as promoted by the supporters of economic globalization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Dr. Gehr Livezey, who retired in 2006 as Professor of Christian Ethics at McCormick Theological Seminary, served as Director of the Globalization Project of the Center for World Christianity at New York Theological Seminary.
Since January 2007, Luis Ernesto Derbez has been the General Director of the Centre for Globalization, Competitiveness and Democracy at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, and Secretary for International Affairs of the PAN.
Mattias Kumm (b. August 15, 1967 in Bremen, Germany) is Inge Rennert Professor of Law at New York University School of Law, as well as holding a Research Professorship on "Globalization and the Rule of Law" at the Social Science Research Center (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, WZB) and Humboldt University in Berlin.
She authored a number of papers on the local effects of globalization, on the 1992 Brady Plan for foreign debt reduction, on the Convertibility Plan for exchange rate stabilization, and on the labor market, among other topics.
Bernard Lewis is the best-known exponent of the idea of the "humiliation" of the Islamic world through globalization.
2010 : Jeff Rubin, Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of Globalization (Random House, 2009, ISBN 1-4000-6850-9)
David Redmon's 2005 film of cultural and economic globalization, Mardi Gras: Made in China, follows the production and distribution of beads from a small factory in Fuzhou, China to the streets of New Orleans during Carnival.
Her latest documentary, Queen of Swing, narrated by Bill Cobbs, takes an inside look at Miller's influence in the globalization of America's jazz culture and her and her fellow artists' role in racial integration.
Eco-socialism, an ideology merging aspects of Marxism, socialism, green politics, ecology and alter-globalization
He has written critical studies of the major Japanese writers Yasunari Kawabata, Naoya Shiga, Osamu Dazai, and Yukio Mishima, and edited books on Asian nationalism (especially ethnic nationalism, religious nationalism, and cultural nationalism), globalization, and pan-Asianism.
Her investigations with globalization and its effects on urban transformations continued further with video installation 'The Water Diviner' (2008) hosted by Volte, New Delhi and the installation 'Black Waters Will Burn'(2011), at the Yamuna River in New Delhi, which was produced for the Yamuna-Elbe Public Art and Outreach Project.
Sopormetal globalization strategy begins with the acquisition of a Spanish company, resulting in the establishment of Sopormetal España in Madrid, now considered a significant “player” of the industrial sector in Spanish market, covering it as a whole and supplying large companies such as Airbus, Basque Mondragon Corporation and Siemens.
Fast food such as hot dogs and hamburgers has arrived in Sri Lanka, with the Globalization of McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut Fast-Food Chains, but these are not usually considered to be short eats.
These demonstrations can be seen as the forerunner of the anti-globalisation protests of the 1990s, especially those in London on May Day and the Carnival against Capitalism on 18 June 1999.
Columnist for The New York Times Thomas Friedman visited the plant in the early 1990s, and described the experience as an example of globalization in his best-selling 1999 book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree.
His work has focused on literacy and language diversity, Ebonics, bilingual education, and the impacts of globalization and language-restrictionist policies.
Although the film concentrates on Gutierrez and Guatemala it can, like other recent films (e.g. Darwin's Nightmare), also be seen as an allegory on globalization.
Since the early 1990s his primary research has concerned Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market where he has studied the economic anthropology of institutions, and has focused also on food culture, globalization, and Japan's fishing industry.
He is also a guest professor at Binghamton University, where his lectures focus predominantly on issues of globalization.
LaFeber examined the effect of modern sports and communication empires in his book, Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism (1999, 2002), which analyzes the rise in popularity of basketball, Michael Jordan, Nike and cable satellite networks and their relation to globalization.
Jorge Nascimiento Rodrigues/Tessaleno Devezas, Pioneers of Globalization - Why the Portuguese Surprised the World, Osprey Publishing.
Wawasan 2020 is also the title of an article by William Greider about globalization in Malaysia.
Danspeckgruber’s publications include Crisis Diplomacy in Egypt in the Huffington Post, 2011; "Globalization - Reflections on Impact and Dichotomies" in Carl Baudenbacher, Erhard Busek, eds.
Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and the tenth President of European Commission said about the WVS work: “The growing globalization of the world makes it increasingly important to understand ... diversity. People with varying beliefs and values can live together and work together productively, but for this to happen it is crucial to understand and appreciate their distinctive worldviews”.