"Akabane Taishi no Enoki" is the oldest hackberry tree in Japan at an estimated 800 years old; it has a circumference of 8.7 meters.
The trees growing along the banks and in other parts of the park include pawpaw, various species of hickory and oak, hackberry and redbud.
Only a few plant specimens were discovered, but these included fossil hackberry seeds and petrified wood.
The site was first settled by Mexican ranchers who according to local legend named the town for the hackberry trees that grew in the area; however, palito blanco is Spanish for "white stick."
There are also provincially rare plants, including stands of hackberry trees.
The low-elevation forests of the foothills are dominated by temperate deciduous trees like oaks (Quercus acutissima, Q. variabilis), elm (Ulmus spp.), Common Walnut (Juglans regia), maple (Acer spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.) and Celtis spp.
Habitat is typical East Texas riparian, upland areas are mostly pecan trees, while river bottom areas are dominated by cottonwoods and hackberry.
His community beautification project was to plant hackberry trees along local roads.
Various species of Celtis are food plants for the larvae of various species of long-nosed butterfly; the genus Libythea.
Celtis reticulata was one of the species analyzed in a pollen core samplng study in northern Arizona, in which the early to late Holocene flora association was reconstructed; this study in the Waterman Mountains-(Pima County-S.East AZ) demonstrated that C. reticulata was found to be present after the Wisconsinan glaciation, but is not a current taxon of this former Pinyon-juniper woodland area which is now in central and northern Arizona.
Conrad Celtis is referenced in the Ubisoft video game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood as the target of an assassin's contract in Cologne.
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, but mainly deciduous shrubs and trees such as Malus, Fraxinus and Celtis species.
European nettle tree, (Celtis australis), a deciduous tree with edible dark purple, sweet berry-like fruit.
Other common plants include: cholla, prickly pear, hedgehog, and barrel cactus (flowering from April to June); yucca, sotol, and agave; creosote bush and ocotillo; palo verde and mesquite trees; an amazing variety of colorful wild flowers in good years (February to March); and a lush riparian area which supports large Arizona Walnut, Arizona Sycamore, and hackberry trees.