The first stage was new, but the upper stage was the Centaur, which is still in use today on the Atlas V EELV.
It was first run in 1987 and takes its name from a statue at the racecourse in the form of the mythological creature Centaur.
In this role, the ship saw considerable action in the Falklands War, acting as the flagship of the aircraft carrier task force.
This was produced in the UK between 1959 and 1965, carrying the names of Albion, Bulwark and Centaur, and again in a more detailed Hornby Minic Ships version of Bulwark made in Hong Kong between 1975 and 1980.
Hermes also performed sterling service as a platform for the Sea Harrier and made a vital contribution to the winning of the Falklands War, the largest naval conflict since 1945.
The origin of the name of the Centaurus beetle may be the Greek Centaur.
A Centaur is a Greek mythilogical creature that is half human and half horse.
The vehicle takes its name from the Greek word for Centaur the creature from Greek mythology.
Centaur, a mythical creature that is part horse, part man
Later on, Will travels with Centaurs, acquires a surrogate daughter named Esme who has no memory of her past and may be immortal, witnesses the clash of Giants, and travels to Babel as a refugee.
Centaur | centaur | Centaur (rocket stage) | The Centaur Company | HMS ''Centaur'' | Centaur Theatre | Centaur Media |
After 7 months in the Middle and Far East 807 NAS disbanded aboard Centaur in Portsmouth on 17 May 1962.
The species name actaeon derives from the name Actaeon of a famous Theban hero, son of the priestly herdsman Aristaeus and Autonoe in Boeotia, trained by the centaur Chiron.
Hood's squadron was spread out, tacking southeast towards the Chassiron Lighthouse at Saint-Denis-d'Oléron with HMS Centaur in the centre, HMS Revenge to the east (or windward) and Monarch to the west.
The Lunar proposals ranged from reusing the docking systems developed for the Agena target vehicle on more powerful upper stages such as the Centaur, which could propel the spacecraft to the Moon, to complete modifications of the Gemini to enable it to land on the Lunar surface.
These operations are compounding (or the addition of one idea onto another, such as a horn on a horse to create a unicorn); transposing (or the substitution of one part of a thing with the part from another, such as with the body of a man upon a horse to make a centaur); augmenting (as with the case of a giant, whose size has been augmented); and diminishing (as with Lilliputians, whose size has been diminished).
The Diamond DA42 Centaur OPA with the military Immmatrikulation R-711 can be flown as a manned aircraft or as unmanned UAV.
A pen and wash drawing by Pacetti of Achilles on the back of Centaur hunting a Lion is in the Wedgwood Museum, Barlaston - it is copied from a similar image on a classical marble, the Luna Disc of c.
Burgos and others, including Centaur Publications writer-artist Bill Everett, then followed Centaur art director Lloyd Jacquet to Jacquet's own newly formed packager, Funnies, Inc..
Centaur Cable Network, Channel 3, is a television station and multimedia company operating from Orange Walk District, Belize, since 1989.
Centaur Technologies Inc. was founded in April 1995 by Glenn Henry, Terry Parks, Darius Gaskins, and Al Sato.
This is the only version of the Centaur known to have seen combat, in service with the Royal Marines Armoured Support Group.
Segueing from comics to children's literature in the 1980s, Wenzel illustrated Robb Walsh's Kingdom of the Dwarfs for Centaur Books, and then illustrated a series of books about American colonial life for Troll Associates.
Many of the boss enemies come from other cultures such as a Minotaur, Harpy, Centaur, and an evil version of Santa Claus.
Chambers' music has been recorded on the compact disks The Old Burying Ground (Dorian Sono Luminus DSL-92113), Cold Water, Dry Stone (Albany, Troy 422), Brutal Reality (Albany, Troy 354), Simple Requests (Cambria CD-1088), "Collaborations" (Equilibrium CD-66), Alternating Currents (Centaur CRC 2492) and "Beyond the Red Line" (Mark Custom MCD-6537).
It is revealed in Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident that Foaly cannot dance well (four left hooves); and he is married to a centaur called Caballine, whom he was first revealed to be dating in Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony.
She has performed with members of the Chicago, Pittsburgh, Minnesota, Grand Rapids, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, and Beijing National Symphony Orchestras and has recorded on Gasparo, Centaur and Audite record labels with her husband, concert clarinetist Arthur Campbell.
Following a series of three interstellar wars (ISWs 1-3) with different species (warlike felinoid Orions and their centauroid Gorm associates, birdlike Ophiuchi, the genocidal Rigelians, and the Thebans (explored in a prequel novel Crusade), humanity has experienced a seventy-year "vacation from history", i.e. seven decades of peace.
Through the Professor, allusions made are to Homer, Georg Autenrieth's A Homeric Dictionary, H. L. Ahrens's Griechische, Formenlehre, John Flaxman, The Trojan War, Harlequin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Artemis, John Keats, Rhesus of Thrace, Achilles, Patroclus, Aubrey Beardsley, Franz Schubert, Theseus, Centaur, Jack the Giant Killer, Golden Helen, Hector, Andromache.
Jon Wynne-Tyson (comp.), The Extended Circle: A Dictionary of Humane Thought, Centaur Press, London, 2009, pp.
Mighty Man (comics), a re-imagined version of the Centaur Comics Hero, published by Malibu Comics.
Minimidget and Ritty's real names were never revealed in the original comics, but he is later described as being Jack Rhodes, a character who had also appeared in Amazing-Man #5 and then never reappeared in another Centaur Comic (or any other comic, for that matter) in the AC Comics version of his story.
The titles of Nicochares' plays, as enumerated by Suidas, are, Αμυμωνη (Amymone), Πελοψ (Pelops), Γαλατεια (Galatea), Ηρακληs Γαμων (Hercules Getting Married), Ηρακληs Χορηγος (Hercules the Play-Producer), Κρητες (Cretans), Λακωνες (The Laconians), Λημνιαι (Lemnian Women), Κενταυροι (Centaurs), and Χειρογαστορες (Those Living Hand-to-Mouth).
He sculpted Frederick Barbarossa for the Kyffhäuser monument; a statue of Labor for the Reichsbank building in Berlin; and Centaur with Dancing Nymph for the National Gallery.
Roger Daltrey of The Who released a solo album, Ride a Rock Horse, the cover of which featured the singer as a white centaur.
John M. Fabian was scheduled to fly as Mission Specialist 1 on his third trip to space, but due to concerns and stress about the Centaur-G worst-case-scenarios, he resigned from this mission.
Recordings of Smith's music have been released on the 11 West, Capstone, Centaur, Opus One, O.O. Discs, Cadenza, BVHaast, and GAC Sweden labels.
French sculptor Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse made many terracotta pieces, but possibly the most famous is The Abduction of Hippodameia depicting the Greek mythological scene of a centaur kidnapping Hippodameia on her wedding day.
George is both the Centaur Chiron and Prometheus (some readers might see George's son Peter as Prometheus), Mr. Hummel, the automobile mechanic, is Hephaestus (AKA Vulcan); and so forth.
In 1871, The Centaur Company was formed by Charles Henry Fletcher at 80 Varick Street, New York City to purchase the rights to and manufacture the laxative Pitcher's Castoria, renamed Fletcher's Castoria after the founder.
In the Mythic Tarot deck, the Hierophant is depicted as Chiron, the learned centaur.
USS Centaur, a fictional spacecraft in the "A Time to Stand" episode of the television show Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
In Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron was a "Wounded Healer", after being poisoned with an incurable wound by one of Hercules's arrows.