
unusual facts about Central Executive Committee

Naeemul Haque

Naeemul Haque is a member of Central Executive Committee of PTI since its inception in 1996 and remains close associate of Imran Khan.

Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau

Initially, it was called Bureau of Investigation and Statistics subordinated to the Central Executive Committee of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).

Xie Xuejing

Member of the Central Executive Committee and the Chairman of the Analytical Technology Committee of the Global Geochemical Mapping Working Group, IUGS.

see also

Alexandrovsky Uyezd

On June 13, 1921, a Decree issued by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee transformed Alexandrovsky Uyezd into Murmansk Governorate.

Günter de Bruyn

From 1965 to 1978, he was a member of the Zentralvorstandes des Schriftstellerverbandes der DDR (Central Executive Committee of the Literary Association of East Germany); he was a member of the presidency of the PEN Centre of East Germany from 1974 to 1982.

John Pepper

Pepper was made a member of the governing Central Executive Committee of the CPA's "above-ground" arm, the Workers Party of America, a position to which he was re-elected by the 3rd Convention in January 1924.

Pavel Poc

Member of ČSSD (Czech Social Democratic Party) (since 1997); Vice-Chairman of the Mariánské Lázně ČSSD local association (since 1998); member of the ČSSD Central Executive Committee (since 2000); member of the ČSSD Bureau (since 2001); guarantor, central informatics commission (2004–2005); guarantor, central ecological commission (2005–2006); chairman of the Regional Executive Committee of the Karlovy Vary Region (2005–2010).

San Yu

Though the BSPP Congress rejected the resignations or requests for permission to retire of U Aye Ko, General Secretary and Vice President of the State, U Sein Lwin, Joint General Secretary of BSPP and Secretary of the Council of State, U Tun Tin, BSPP Central Executive Committee member and Deputy Prime Minister, U Kyaw Htin, BSPP Central Executive Committee Member and Defence Minister, the congress accepted the resignations of Ne Win and San Yu from Party and State positions.

Singapore PAP Prime Ministerial Election, 1959

The People's Action Party Central Executive Committee met on the victory of the Singaporean general election, 1959 to elect a Prime Minister.

Toh Chin Chye

Following the PAP's victory at the 1959 elections, the members of the party's Central Executive Committee voted to decide whether Lee, as the party's Secretary-General, or the party's Treasurer, Ong Eng Guan (who served as the Mayor on the City Council from 1957 to 1959), should take up the newly created post of Prime Minister.

United Front for the Liberation of Oppressed Races

On 25 and 26 June 1967, a congress of ethnic minorities throughout South Vietnam was convened to finalise a joint petition, and on August 29, 1967, a meeting was held under the direction of Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, President of the National Leadership Committee and Major General Nguyen Cao Ky, President of the Central Executive Committee.