Leader of the "École de Bruxelles", he had a major influence on the argumentation theorist Chaïm Perelman and thus has been instrumental in the renewal of rhetoric.
Chaim Weizmann | Chaim Topol | Chaim Soutine | S. J. Perelman | Chaim Kanievsky | Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin | Chaim Herzog | Yaakov Chaim Sofer | Chaim Gingold | Yosef Chaim | Grigori Perelman | Chaim Zhitlowsky | Chaim Rapoport | Vadim Perelman | Ronald Perelman | Nahshon Even-Chaim | Chaim Yitzchak Bloch Hacohen | Chaim Yisroel Eiss | Chaïm Soutine | Chaim Shemesh | Chaim Rumkowski | Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg | Chaïm Perelman | Chaim Loike | Chaim Kreiswirth | Chaim Halberstam | Chaim Gutnick | Chaim Bermant | Chaim Benveniste |