His halakhic rulings on prayer are recorded in Ishei Yisroel, and rulings pertaining to Shiluach haken are recorded in Shaleiach T'Shalach.
According to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the Minor Tractates date from the period of the Geonim.
Only a few other known scholars of the post WWII generation attained such a level of vast Talmudic fluency: Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky.
It was founded by Rabbi Yitzchok Zilber, leader of the Russian baal teshuvah movement and often called "the father of Russian Jewry", in 2000 with the support of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Eliashiv, Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky.
Chaim Weizmann | Chaim Topol | Chaim Soutine | Chaim Kanievsky | Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin | Chaim Herzog | Yaakov Chaim Sofer | Chaim Gingold | Yosef Chaim | Chaim Zhitlowsky | Chaim Rapoport | Nahshon Even-Chaim | Chaim Yitzchak Bloch Hacohen | Chaim Yisroel Eiss | Chaïm Soutine | Chaim Shemesh | Chaim Rumkowski | Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg | Chaïm Perelman | Chaim Loike | Chaim Kreiswirth | Chaim Halberstam | Chaim Gutnick | Chaim Bermant | Chaim Benveniste |
In 2011, a widely publicized denouncement was made by Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, Rabbi Yosef Sholom Eliashiv, Rabbi Yaakov Hillel, and rabbis from the Vizhnitz, Zvhill, Sanz, Erlau, and Boyan Hasidic dynasties.