
unusual facts about Chaim Tzvi

Barylka Yerahmiel

He studied in yeshivot (rabbinical seminaries) Ateret Chafetz and Chaim Tzvi, and in the Law and Social Sciences faculty of the University of Belgrano, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he served as an assistant professor of public international law.

see also

Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum

Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum, (December 28, 1879- January 21, 1926), (6 shevat 5686 on the Hebrew calendar), the Sigheter Rebbe, author of Atzei Chaim, was the oldest son of Rabbi Chananyah Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum the Kedushas Yom Tov.