
4 unusual facts about Chamber of Deputies

Bernard-François, marquis de Chauvelin

In 1816, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, and spoke in favor of liberty of the press and extension of the franchise.

Great Sejm

The Constitution abolished pernicious parliamentary institutions such as the liberum veto, which at one time had placed a sejm at the mercy of any deputy who might choose, or be bribed by an interest or foreign power, to undo all the legislation that had been passed by that sejm.

Pierre Edmond Teisserenc de Bort

In 1846 he was returned to the Chamber of Deputies for Hérault, but the revolution of 1848 drove him into private life, from which he only emerged after the downfall of the Second Empire, when in February 1871 he was returned to the National Assembly.

Prince Louis, Duke of Nemours

The occasion of his marriage in 1840 with Victoria was marked by a check to Louis-Philippe's government in the form of a refusal to bestow the marriage dowry proposed by Adolphe Thiers in the Chamber of Deputies.

A Privataria Tucana

Delegado Protógenes Queiroz (PCdoB) presented a petition to install a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry in the Chamber of Deputies to investigate privatizations carried out by the Fernando Henrique Cardoso administration (1995–2002).

Antimafia Commission

The Italian Antimafia Commission is a bicameral commission of the Italian Parliament, composed of members from the Chamber of Deputies (Italian: Camera dei Deputati) and the Senate (Italian: Senato della Repubblica).

Antonio Morales de la Peña

As vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies, he took part in the 2004 Convention of the World Association of Mexicans Abroad, held in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Brazilian presidential election, 1969

Vice-President Pedro Aleixo was not allowed to replace Costa e Silva, so the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate were reopened to elect the a President and Vice-President, under the Instituctional Act 16.

Carlos Lacerda

In 1950 he was elected a UDN party representative for the state of Rio in the Chamber of Deputies.


Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Cauquenes is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Pelluhue and Chanco).

Chanco, Chile

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Chanco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes and Pelluhue).

Chouf parliamentary by-election, 1971

On January 10, 1971 a by-poll was held to elect a member of parliament from one of the Sunni Muslim seats from Chouf District in the Lebanese Chamber of Deputies.

Claudio Huepe

During his career, he was the provincial governor of Arauco, a member of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies, a government minister, and the Chilean ambassador to Venezuela.

Constitution of Argentina of 1853

Its head is the Argentine Congress composed of a Senate, integrated by representatives of the provinces and the capital; and a Chamber of Deputies, that directly represent the Argentine people.

Emile Calmes

He is the Mayor of Préizerdaul, having been a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1989 until 2007.

Faure Gnassingbé

He was elected to the National Assembly of Togo in the October 2002 parliamentary election as a Deputy for Blitta, and in the National Assembly he was coordinator of the commission in charge of privatization.

Federalists and Liberal Democrats

The party was founded on 16 December 1994 as a parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies by twelve dissident members of Lega Nord, four members of Forza Italia, two members of the Liberal Democratic Foundation, Raffaele Costa (leader of the Union of the Centre and Minister of Health) and Pietro Cerullo (representative of the Southern Action League).

Félix Pyat

He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for the department of Bouches-du-Rhône in March 1888 and took his seat on the extreme Left, but died at Saint-Gratien the following year.

François Biltgen

In 1987 he was elected to the communal council of Esch-sur-Alzette, and in 1994 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies as a Christian Social People's Party (CSV) candidate.

Futaleufú, Chile

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Futaleufú is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué and Palena).

Hildebrando Fuentes

Subsequently he was elected as deputy for the provinces of Pallasca, Santa, and Huamalíes; and made vice president of the Chamber of Deputies.


Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Illapel is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Adriana Muñoz (PDC) and Mr. Luis Lemus (Ind.) as part of the 9th electoral district, (together with Combarbalá, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, Salamanca, Los Vilos, Canela).

Jean Hamilius

He sat in the Chamber of Deputies between 1969 and 1984 (excepting the five years he spent as a minister), and in the communal council of Luxembourg City (1969 – 1974).


Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Longaví is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes, Pelluhue and Chanco).

Los Ángeles, Bío Bío

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Ángeles is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).

Los Vilos

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Vilos is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Adriana Muñoz (PDC) and Mr. Luis Lemus (Ind.) as part of the 9th electoral district, (together with Combarbalá, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, Illapel, Salamanca and Canela).

Lydie Schmit

She entered the Chamber of Deputies in 1979, but only served for a year before leaving the office to work for the Socialist International, of which she was Vice-President, as well as President of the Socialist International Women.

Mariarosaria Rossi

Mariarosaria Rossi (born Piedimonte Matese, 8 March 1972) is an Italian politician who served from 2008-2012 in the XVI Chamber of Deputies of the Legislatura della Repubblica Italiana, and from 2012 in the XVII Senate of the Republic.


Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Mulchén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).

Palena, Chile

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Palena is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Gabriel Ascencio (PDC) and Alejandro Santana (RN) as part of the 58th electoral district, (together with Castro, Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao, Puqueldón, Chonchi, Queilén, Quellón, Chaitén, Hualaihué and Futaleufú).


Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Punitaqui is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Adriana Muñoz (PDC) and Mr. Luis Lemus (Ind.) as part of the 9th electoral district, (together with Combarbalá, Monte Patria, Illapel, Salamanca, Los Vilos, Canela).


Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Quilicura is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Patricio Melero (UDI) and Gabriel Silber (PDC) as part of the 16th electoral district, (together with Colina, Lampa, Tiltil and Pudahuel).

Republicans, Liberals, Reformers

The two Republican members of the Chamber of Deputies (Giorgio La Malfa and Francesco Nucara, both elected on Forza Italia's list) formed a component in the Mixed Group named "Republicans, Liberals, Reformers" along with Giovanni Ricevuto, a former member of the New Italian Socialist Party (NPSI).

Salamanca, Chile

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Salamanca is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Mrs. Adriana Muñoz (PDC) and Mr. Luis Lemus (Ind.) as part of the 9th electoral district, (together with Combarbalá, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, Illapel, Los Vilos, Canela).

Santa Bárbara, Chile

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santa Bárbara is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).

Santa Juana, Chile

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santa Juana is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Sergio Bobadilla (UDI) and Clemira Pacheco (PS) as part of the 45th electoral district, (together with Tomé, Penco, Florida, Hualqui, Coronel).

see also

Doumer Island

It was resighted and charted by the French Antarctic Expedition, 1903–05, under Jean-Baptiste Charcot, who named it for Paul Doumer, President of the French Chamber of Deputies and later President of France.

Francesca Martini

In May 2008, after returning to the Chamber of Deputies, Martini was appointed Under-Secretary of Labour and Health in Berlusconi IV Cabinet.

Francisco Azuela

He later served as Director of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies of the State of Guanajuato (1991–1997), and became the CEO and founder of the El Condor de los Andes-Aguila Azteca AC, an international cultural center currently based in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia (1999).

Generation Italy

Generation Italy was launched in April 2010 by Italo Bocchino, at the time the deputy-leader of the PdL in the Chamber of Deputies, in order to better represent Fini's views within the party and to push for a different party organization, which was thought to be too dependent on Berlusconi's personality.

Gonzalo Aguirre Villafán

In 1997 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, as the Free Bolivia Movement (MBL) candidate in the single-member constituency No. 4 (which covers areas of the Zudañez, Tomina and Belisario Boeto provinces).

Jaalil Melgar Mustafá

In 1997 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, as the UCS candidate in the single-member constituency No. 53 (which covers areas of the Andrés Ibañez province).

Jean Ybarnegaray

He was wounded and discharged from the army with the Légion d'honneur, returning to the Chamber of Deputies where he criticised the Nivelle Offensive of 1917, the armistice of 1918, and the Treaty of Versailles.

Joseph d'Haussonville

His grandfather had been grand louvetier of France; his father was Charles Louis Bernard de Cléron, comte d'Haussonville Comte Joseph had filled a series of diplomatic appointments at Brussels, Turin and Naples before he entered the chamber of deputies in 1842 for Provins.

Juan Carlos Riss Cecin

An economist by profession, Riss Cecin served as a parliamentarian in the Chamber of Deputies 1989–1993, Senator 1993–1997 and again in the Chamber of Deputies (elected from Pando through proportional representation on the list of the Revolutionary Nationalist Movement).

Law Against Racism 2010

The first draft of the law was proposed by the Human Rights Committee of the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies on 24 May 2010, the anniversary of an incident of racist violence in Sucre in 2008.

Louis Jacques Thénard

From 1827 to 1830 he represented the département of Yonne in the chamber of deputies, and as vice-president of the conseil superieur de l'instruction publique, he exercised a great influence on scientific education in France.

Luis Beder Herrera

In 1983 he was re-elected as a provincial deputy for Famatina Department, serving until 1989 with a period as 1st Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies.


Oana Niculescu-Mizil (b. 1975), Paul's granddaughter, member of the Chamber of Deputies since 2008

Oscar Bardi de Fourtou

In the Chamber of Deputies Gambetta gave the lie direct to Fourtou's allegation that the republican party opposed every republican principle that was not antiquated.

Others look into the Dreyfus Affair

A few days later chance brought him in contact with one of the few statesmen who had shown any sympathy with the researches of Matthew Dreyfus – the Alsatian Scheurer-Kestner, former member of the Chamber of Deputies for Alsace and coworker with Gambetta, and now vice-president of the Senate and one of the most justly esteemed men of the Republican party.

Reyes Tamez

In 2009 he was elected via proportional representation to the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico as a New Alliance deputy hence he will be serving during the LXI Legislature of the Mexican Congress.

Saúl Guillermo Klinsky Callaú

In 1997 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies from Santa Cruz through the proportional representation vote as a Civic Solidarity Union (UCS) candidate.

Siege of Constantine

The Siege of Constantine in 1837 was decided by Louis Philippe I and the head of his government, Count Molé in the summer of 1837 at a time when, with the consolidation of the July Monarchy and recovery economic prosperity, the king is considering a dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies.

Venezuelan parliamentary election, 1998

People elected for the first time in this election include Nicolás Maduro and Juan Barreto (MVR), Henrique Capriles Radonski (COPEI) for the Chamber of Deputies; and Rafael Poleo (Democratic Action) and Julián Isaías Rodríguez Diaz (MVR) for the Senate.