
unusual facts about Mulchén


Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Mulchén is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).


Mulchén |

Los Ángeles, Bío Bío

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Los Ángeles is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Santa Bárbara, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).

Pedro Lagos

In 1875, President Federico Errázuriz Zañartu appointed him Intendant of Ñuble, and, in 1878, he was commissioned as commander in Mulchén.

Santa Bárbara, Chile

Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Santa Bárbara is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Juan Lobos (UDI) and José Pérez (PRSD) as part of the 47th electoral district, (together with Los Ángeles, Tucapel, Antuco, Quilleco, Quilaco, Mulchén, Negrete, Nacimiento, San Rosendo, Laja and Alto Bío Bío).

see also