
unusual facts about Charles Mohun, 4th Baron Mohun

Charles Mohun, 4th Baron Mohun

In 1712, two years after Mohun's Whig party had been heavily defeated in an election, the Duke of Hamilton gained the post of special envoy to Paris.

But Mohun is best remembered for the events of 9 December of that year—a friend of Mohun's, an officer named Richard Hill, had fallen in love with the actress Anne Bracegirdle; however he thought himself, almost certainly erroneously, to face competition from actor William Mountfort.

There he served under Charles Gerard, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield, the uncle of his former wife, and briefly served in France.

James Hamilton, 4th Duke of Hamilton

On 15 November 1712, Hamilton fought a celebrated duel with Charles, Lord Mohun, in Hyde Park, Westminster, in an episode narrated in Thackeray's The History of Henry Esmond.

see also