
5 unusual facts about Charles Pasqua

Air France Flight 8969

At 12 noon, Alain Juppé, Foreign Minister of France, organized a crisis team, and Charles Pasqua, Interior Minister of France, met his aides.

Charles Pasqua

Following the publication of the Al Mada article, a US Senate report accused him, along with the British Respect MP, George Galloway, of receiving the right to buy oil under the UN's oil-for-food scheme.

Grande mosquée de Lyon

When the French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua opened the Mosque in 1992 he warned against the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

Ministère AMER

In 1995, after their song Sacrifice de poulet, which appeared on the soundtrack to the film La Haine, provoked the French Minister of the Interior, Charles Pasqua, to attack the group in court.

Parliamentary immunity

In 2004, Charles Pasqua was voted in as a senator by conservative electors of the Paris region (the Senate is elected by an electoral college).

Rally for the Republic

Furthemore, the abandonment of the Gaullist doctrine was criticized by Charles Pasqua and Philippe Séguin.

see also