Vampire 1992 is considered to be the true sequel to the original 1985 Mr. Vampire, as the main cast (Lam Ching-ying, Ricky Hui and Chin Siu-ho) in the first film reprised their roles.
It stars Chin Siu-ho (as Hsiao Hau Chien) and Lu Fang (as Tai-Fa) as the disciples and Chung Fat and Huang Ha as the rival masters Chin and Wu.
Aksai Chin | Chin State | Chin Peng | Siu Sai Wan | Siu Ho Wan | Mel Chin | Chin | Tiffany Chin | Siu haau sauce | Leung Chin-man | Felicia Chin | Denny Chin | Chu Chin Chow | Chin Na | Chin Hills | Charlie Chin | Cass Chin | Wonsuk Chin | Unsuk Chin | Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground | Narn i Chîn Húrin | Liew Chin Tong | Frank Chin | Eddie Chin | Chyi Chin | Chin Siu-ho | CHIN Radio/TV International | Chin Eei Hui | chin | Cheng Siu Wai |