
5 unusual facts about Mel Chin

Asian American Arts Centre

Contemporary artists who have exhibited at AAAC include Mel Chin, Martin Wong, Alfonso A. Ossorio, Vito Acconci, Luis Camnitzer, Faith Ringgold, Wafaa Bilal, Tseng Kwong Chi, Dinh Q. Lê, Kip Fulbeck, Gu Wenda, and Zhang Hongtu.

Fundred Dollar Bill Project

The Fundred Dollar Bill Project is a nationwide art project implemented by Mel Chin, and is aimed to connect and represent the voices of children across the United States, with the end goal to propose a funding solution for the lead contamination in the soil of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Mel Chin

Mel Chin has also exhibited in numerous group shows including the Fifth Biennial of Havana, Cuba; Seventh Architectural Biennial in Venice, Italy; Kwangju Biennale, Korea; Hirshhorn Museum, Washington D.C.; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; the Whitney Museum of American Art; P.S.1

To assist the funding of Operation Paydirt, the Fundred Dollar Bill Project was implemented in schools across the United States to symbolically raise 300,000,000 dollars to propose to Congress for an exchange of real dollars in the Summer of 2010.

Other Revival Field sites have been located in Palmerton, Pennsylvania and Stuttgart, Germany.

see also