
4 unusual facts about Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association

Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association

On 26 September 1993 the Holy See decided that no more episcopal ordinations of the kind administered by Bishop Fan without previous authorization by the Holy See would be allowed.

CPCA, which was founded eight years later, thus does not recognize the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Pope Pius XII in 1950, canonizations from 1949 onward (e.g. the canonization of Pope Pius X), Vatican declarations on even well-established devotional piety (e.g. on the Sacred Heart of Jesus or on Mary as Queen), and the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965).

As the effects of the Cultural Revolution faded in the 1980s, the Mass of Paul VI began to be used, and at the beginning of the next decade the CPCA officially permitted the publication even locally of texts, originally prepared in Taiwan, that brought the Mass liturgy into line with that in use in other countries.

Savio Tai Fai Hon

In March 2011, Hon said the planned ordainations priests by the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association means, "division ... causes great pain to the entire body ... the whole body is scarred and bleeding." No bishop can be appointed canonically without a papal mandate.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hangzhou

Matthew Cao Xiangde was appointed bishop by the Patriotic Association but not recognized by the Vatican.

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