But in Dakshina Kannada District and Udupi Districts of Karnataka, this language is being spoken in places like Durga and Maala of Karkala taluk and also in places like Shishila and Mundaje of Belthangady Taluk.
Till the 1940s, most of the Chitpavans in Konkan spoke a dialect called Chitpavani Konkani in their homes.
Among them are the Chitpavan Brahmins who migrated from the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra and in the later years Shetty, Naika, Muslims, Kochi Christians, Havyaka-Karhada-Shivalli Brahmins.
There are similar Brahmin communities found all over India: like Niyogi Brahmins of Andhra Pradesh, Chithpaavan Brahmins of Maharashtra, Bhumihars of Bihar, Mohyal of Punjab or Tyagis of West Uttar Pradesh.