
2 unusual facts about Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges

Hedges appeared as a guest on an October 2011 episode of the CBC News Network's The Lang and O'Leary Exchange to discuss his support for the Occupy Wall Street protests and was criticized by co-host Kevin O'Leary for sounding "like a left-wing nutbar."

In May 2012, Judge Katherine B. Forrest of the Southern District of New York ruled that the counter-terrorism provision of the NDAA is unconstitutional.

Deep Green Resistance

DGR draws on the philosophy and writings of many authors, including Arne Næss, Richard Manning, Andrea Dworkin, Peggy Reeves Sanday, David Abram, Chellis Glendinning, Chris Hedges, Joseph Tainter, Richard Heinberg, Daniel Quinn, Zoe Blunt and Jerry Mander, among others.

Inverted totalitarianism

In Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt by Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco, inverted totalitarianism is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics.


In March 2007, KDFC pulled a commercial for Chris Hedges' book American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.

Tomas Young

In March 2013, Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges published an interview with Young about his worldview and circumstances.

see also