
unusual facts about Christian Bible

Abu Saymeh

Abu Saymeh is a Muslim calligrapher who earned worldwide fame when he was selected by Victor Batarseh, the Christian mayor of Bethlehem on the West Bank, to copy out in Arabic script the Gospel of Luke from the New Testament of the Christian Bible for presentation to the Catholic Pope Benedict XVI.

Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible

The Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible (DDD) is an academic reference work edited by Karel van der Toorn, Bob Becking and Pieter W. van der Horst which contains academic articles on the named gods, angels, and demons in the books of the Hebrew Bible, Septuagint and Apocrypha, as well as the Christian Bible and patristic literature.

James Wickstrom

Wickstrom derives his beliefs from his interpretation of the Christian Bible.

New Jerusalem

John of Patmos describes the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, and so the New Jerusalem holds an important place in Christian eschatology and Christian mysticism, and has also influenced Christian philosophy and Christian theology.

Tancred Tancredi

He ascribes to him several works of as yet unpublished literature: commentaries on the Scriptures and on Peter Lombard's Book of Sentences.

see also


There also exist support groups for codependency, such as Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA), Al-Anon/Alateen, Nar-Anon, and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACoA), which are based on the twelve-step program model of Alcoholics Anonymous and also Celebrate Recovery a Christian, Bible-based group.

Codex Argenteus

The tribes we consider Gothic were nominally Arians during the period of time when Ulfilas translated the Christian bible into Gothic, meaning that they followed the teachings of Arius about the person and nature of Jesus Christ.


The Christian Bible's Second Epistle to the Corinthians is but one place where God is spoken of as the "Father of compassion" and the "God of all comfort."

Gothic Bible

The Gothic Bible or Wulfila Bible is the Christian Bible as translated by Wulfila in the fourth century into the Gothic language spoken by the Eastern Germanic, or Gothic Tribes.

Jacob Have I Loved

The title refers to the sibling rivalry between Jacob and Esau in the Jewish and Christian Bible, and comes directly from Malachi 1:2,3: "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."

José Alperovich

Some commentators had speculated that Alperovich would not be able to become governor if elected because of the provincial law that required him to give an oath on the Christian Bible.

Kushiel's Dart

According to the Christian Bible, Mary Magdalene was one of the closest female friends of Jesus, and was the first to discover that he had been resurrected.


The "Law of Manu" was cited favorably by Friedrich Nietzsche, who deemed it "an incomparably spiritual and superior work" to the Christian Bible.

Mark XI

Mark 11 or Mark XI, the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible

Mark XV

Mark 15 and Mark XV, the fifteenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.


Chinese New Version, formerly known as New Chinese Version, a Chinese translation of the Christian Bible

Philippine College of Ministry

Philippine College of Ministry (PCM) is a four-year undergraduate Christian Bible college in Baguio City, Philippines.

Songs That Jesus Said

All songs on the album were written jointly by Keith Getty and Kristyn Getty, and most are based on specific passages of the Christian Bible, especially the four Gospels.