
unusual facts about Christianization

Pagan reaction

Pagan reaction is reversal of Christianization.

Andrés Pérez de Ribas

In the same year he was sent to undertake the Christianization of the Ahome and Suaqui of northern Sinaloa, of whom the former were friendly and anxious for teachers, while the latter had just been brought to submission after a hard campaign.

European folklore

The culture of Classical Antiquity, including mythology, Hellenistic religion and magical or cultic practice was very influential on the formative stage of Christianity, and can be found as a substrate in the traditions of all territories formerly colonized by the Roman Empire, and by extension in those territories reached by Christianization during the Middle Ages.

Greeks in Russia and the Soviet Union

Subsequently Byzantine power in the Black Sea region waned, but ties between the two people were strengthened tremendously in cultural and political terms with the baptism of Prince Vladimir of Kievan Rus in 988 and the subsequent Christianization of his realm.


Two stone towers from the former fortifications, a prominent stone Celtic cross on the church square-marketplace and the little fortress church, whose beginnings lie as far back as the time when Christianization began, still bear witness to this time.

Magnus of Füssen

Magnus proceeded to Eptaticus (Epfach), where Wichbert, Bishop of Augsburg received him and entrusted him with the Christianization of the eastern Algäu.

Newark Holy Stones

It is also likely that many Christian clergy supported the idea of the Lost Tribes myth during the 1800s, for it not only validated the Biblical tale of the Lost Tribes but also implied their religious right to continue colonize America and their Christianization of the Native Americans.

Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

Pope Benedict quoted Pope Paul VI who stated that the work of evangelisation "proves equally increasingly necessary because of the frequent situations of de-Christianization of our days, for multitudes of people who have been baptized but who live quite outside of Christian life, for simple people who have a certain faith, but he knows the basics wrong, for intellectuals who feel the need to know Jesus Christ in a different light from the teaching they received as children, and for many others ".


Golden Bull of Rimini - a non-Papal decree in 1225 by Frederic II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, assigning conquest & Christianization of the Preuss on the Baltic coast to the Order of Teutonic Knights

Sardinian language

In the 1st century AD, some relevant groups of Hebrews were deported to Sardinia, bringing various influences; the Christianization of the island would probably have brought Hebrews to convert to a sort of independent cult of Sant'Antioco (perhaps a way to preserve some aspects of their ethnicity under a Christian form), still present in Gavoi.

see also