
3 unusual facts about European folklore

European folklore

The culture of Classical Antiquity, including mythology, Hellenistic religion and magical or cultic practice was very influential on the formative stage of Christianity, and can be found as a substrate in the traditions of all territories formerly colonized by the Roman Empire, and by extension in those territories reached by Christianization during the Middle Ages.

There is, of course, no single European culture, but nevertheless the common history of Christendom during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period has resulted in a number of traditions that are shared in many ethnic or regional cultures of Europe.

Many folk traditions also originated by contact with the Islamic world, especially in the Balkans and in the Iberian peninsula, which were ruled by Islamic empires before being re-conquered (in the case of the Balkans, partially) by Christian forces.

see also


Karapandža is a Serbian surname derived from a type of "bogeyman" found in Southeastern European folklore - see Karakoncolos.