Hefner created the Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award in honor of her father, and has helped to raise $30 million to build the CORE Center in Chicago, the first outpatient facility in the Midwest for people with AIDS.
Their site describes her as having "long been involved in electing progressive candidates, advancing women, First Amendment issues, and advancing treatment for people with HIV/AIDS."
Agatha Christie | Chris Christie | Agatha Christie's Poirot | Christie's | Hugh Hefner | William Christie | Julie Christie | William Christie (musician) | Christie Brinkley | Tony Christie | Linford Christie | Stuart Christie | William Christie (harpsichordist) | Christie Golden | Agatha Christie's Marple | Thomas P. Christie | Christie Park, Huntly | Christie Lee Woods | Christie | Lou Christie | Christie Hospital | Carolyne Christie | Bridget Christie | Anna Christie | Agatha Christie's | William Mellis Christie | Tom Christie | Philip Hefner | Perry Christie | Morven Christie |