
3 unusual facts about Christy Mathewson

Christy Mathewson

During World War II, a 422-foot Liberty ship named in his honor, SS Christy Mathewson, was built in Richmond, CA in 1943.

Jason Schmidt

On June 6, 2006, Schmidt struck out sixteen batters against the Florida Marlins, which tied the franchise record for most strikeouts in a single game, originally set by Hall of Famer Christy Mathewson of the New York Giants on October 3, 1904, against the St. Louis Cardinals.

South End Grounds

On September 12, 1911, 44-year-old legend Cy Young pitched the final home game of his career in a Boston uniform at the grounds against the New York Giants and fellow future Baseball Hall of Famer Christy Mathewson.

Bay Bridge Series

Hall of Famers such as John McGraw, Roger Bresnahan, Christy Mathewson, Joe McGinnity and Rube Marquard took part on the Giants side while the Athletics had Connie Mack, Chief Bender, Eddie Plank, Rube Waddell, Frank Baker and Eddie Collins.

Lefty Gomez

Among pitchers who made their MLB debuts from 1900 to 1950, only Lefty Grove, Christy Mathewson and Whitey Ford have both more victories and a higher winning percentage than Gomez.

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