
unusual facts about Chukchi

Laminar armour

Armour of Chukchi and Eskimo had very similar construction, the difference was that Chukchi armour usually had only one enormous pauldron extending to the waist, used as a shield, and looking rather like a wing than (prominent for its big size) Japanese o-sode (shoulder armour), while Eskimo armour typically had both "wings".

As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me

Much of the dialogue in the film takes place in languages other than German, such as Russian, Chukchi, and Persian.

Chukchi language

Chukchi is largely agglutinative and has ergative–absolutive alignment.

Greya variabilis

It is found on the Chukchi peninsula of north-western Siberia, the Pribilof Islands, Alaska and along the North American west coast.

Jesup North Pacific Expedition

Waldemar Bogoras was an exiled Russian revolutionary; ethnographic and linguistic fieldwork with the Chukchi and Siberian Yupik peoples of the western side of the Bering Strait.

Waldemar Bogoras's grammar of Chukchi, Koryak and Itelmen (misleadingly titled just Chukchee) was delayed by the onset of the First World War and Russian Revolution.

Origins of Paleoindians

In addition to the Ainu, other present-day hunter-gatherer societies that have remained isolated in northeast Asia and North America and whose ancestors may have contributed to the gene pool of Paleoindian are the Yukaghir, Inuit, Aleut, Koniag, Kamchadal, Chukchi, and Koryak.

Overland Relief Expedition

From 1892 to 1906, cutters would cruise up the Siberian coast and barter with Chukchi for reindeer, which were then transported to a station at Port Clarence, near Nome, Alaska.


Local legend tell how a hill near the village was the scene of a battle between the Chukchi and the Koryak.

Local indigenous inhabitants call the village Varen (lit. Tripod), from the Chukchi word for the horizontal supports of a Yaranga.

see also