Chukchi Peninsula, the northeastern extremity of Asia in the northern part of the Russian Far East
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These expeditions have taken him across many regions of the circumpolar Arctic, including the Northwest Territories and Nunavut in Canada; Fennoscandia; Greenland; Chukotka in Russia; and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, USA.
The Pacific regions of Canada and the continental United States (including all of Alaska) witnessed the whole event, along with most of eastern Australia, New Zealand and all the Pacific Island regions (except New Guinea), and the tip of the Chukchi Peninsula that includes the town of Uelen, Russia.
Found in the mountain streams and lakes in western North America, it also has isolated populations in Lake Superior and in Ekityki Lake, Chukchi Peninsula.
One is in Lake Superior, another is in southwestern Alaska, and the third is in the Ekityki Lake, Chukchi Peninsula, Russia.
He disappeared 7 September 1995 in Chukotka, Russia and it is presumed he drowned while traveling by boat between Sireniki and Provideniya.
Between 1904 and 1906 he took part in an expedition to the Kolyma River in Siberia, and in 1909 he visited the Altay Mountains, and he made his final expedition in 1925 on the Chukchi Peninsula.
It is found on the Chukchi peninsula of north-western Siberia, the Pribilof Islands, Alaska and along the North American west coast.