
unusual facts about Cimarron Review

Martin Pousson

His stories, essays, and poems have appeared in Epoch, StoryQuarterly, The Rattling Wall, Parnassus, ISLE: Oxford Journals, Icon, Chaparral, Verse Daily, Intersection, Love, Bourbon Street, The Louisiana Review, New Orleans Review, and Cimarron Review.

see also

David Dodd Lee

He has published poems in literary journals and magazines including Field, Denver Quarterly, CutBank, Gulf Coast, Green Mountains Review, Barrow Street, Cimarron Review, Sycamore Review, Willow Springs, Quarterly West, Prairie Schooner, and American Literary Review. Also a fiction writer, his stories have appeared in Green Mountains Review, West Branch, and other literary magazines.

Henry Alley

His stories have appeared over the past forty years in such journals as Seattle Review, Cimarron Review, Clackamas Literary Review, The Virginia Quarterly Review, and Harrington Gay Men’s Quarterly Fiction.

The Cimarron Review

Cimarron Review has published authors such as Nobel Prize winner Jose Saramago, John Ashbery, Robert Olen Butler, Mark Doty, Diane Wakoski, Tess Gallagher, Richard Shelton, Richard Lyons, Rick Bass, Pam Houston, William Stafford, Paul Muldoon, Grace Schulman, and many others.