
unusual facts about Ciphertext-only attack

Ciphertext-only attack

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), the first security protocol for Wi-Fi, proved vulnerable to several attacks, most of them ciphertext-only.


Distinguishing attack, a cryptographic attack that distinguishes a ciphertext from truly random data

Ronald Cramer

He is best known for his work with Victor Shoup on chosen ciphertext secure encryption in the standard model, in particular the Cramer–Shoup encryption scheme.

Semantic security

Unlike other security definitions, semantic security does not consider the case of chosen ciphertext attack (CCA), where an attacker is able to request the decryption of chosen ciphertexts, and many semantically secure encryption schemes are demonstrably insecure against chosen ciphertext attack.

Side channel attack

In the case of RSA decryption with secret exponent d and corresponding encryption exponent e and modulus m, the technique applies as follows (for simplicity, the modular reduction by m is omitted in the formulas): before decrypting; that is, before computing the result of y^d for a given ciphertext y, the system picks a random number r and encrypts it with public exponent e to obtain r^e.

see also