Sante Bartoli's memoirs record that when Alexander VII was building the left wing of Bernini's colonnade and the lefthand fountain, a tomb was discovered with a bas-relief above the door representing a marriage-scene ("vi era un bellissimo bassorilievo di un matrimonio antico").
He had it placed on the spina which ran along the centre of the Circus of Nero, where it would preside over Nero's countless brutal games and Christian executions.
Peter is said to be buried in the necropolis because of its proximity to the Circus of Nero where he was martyred.
Nero | Monty Python's Flying Circus | Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus | Nero Wolfe | circus | Nero Claudius Drusus | Circus | Circus Maximus | Franco Nero | Ringling Brothers Circus | Piccadilly Circus | JoJo's Circus | Circus of Horrors | Buddy's Circus | The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus | The Invisible Circus (film) | National Institute of Circus Arts | Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams | Finsbury Circus | The Invisible Circus | Ricketts' Circus | Piccadilly Circus tube station | Oxford Circus | Holborn Circus | Electric Circus | Buddy's Circus#Release date discrepancy | Big Apple Circus | Vampire Circus | The Family Circus | Savage Circus |