In 2002, the newly formed Transitional National Government (TNG) briefly re-assumed control of Somalia's airspace with the re-establishment of the Somali Civil Aviation Authority (SOMCAA) by the Ministry of Air and Land Transport.
The UN's Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia (CACAS) since then collected over-flight revenues on behalf of the country, reinvesting the proceeds into air traffic control and airport maintenance.
After a long period of management by the Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia (CACAS), SOMCAA is slated to reassume control of Somalia's airspace by the end of 2013.
American Civil War | Spanish Civil War | Somalia | Federal Aviation Administration | English Civil War | International Civil Aviation Organization | Union (American Civil War) | American Civil Liberties Union | Russian Civil War | American Society of Civil Engineers | civil engineering | Chinese Civil War | Civil Air Patrol | aviation | Sri Lankan Civil War | Nigerian Television Authority | North American Aviation | Civil Engineering | Tennessee Valley Authority | Port Authority of New York and New Jersey | Palestinian National Authority | The Civil Wars | Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority | Irish Civil War | Institution of Civil Engineers | Coalition Provisional Authority | New York City Housing Authority | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority | Civil Rights Act of 1964 |