
unusual facts about Civil society

China Internet Project

Together with an interdisciplinary class and online knowledge base on Participatory Media, research projects on information and communication technology and human rights, BCIP aims to provide both a new lens on the complex and rapidly changing society and a locus of influence on events: enhancements of the effectiveness and civic impact of participatory media could accelerate the growth of citizen-engaged civil society and a rich and informed public sphere.

Earth Charter

In 1994, Maurice Strong (Chairman of the Earth Summit) and Mikhail Gorbachev, working through organizations they each founded (the Earth Council and Green Cross International respectively), restarted the Earth Charter as a civil society initiative, with the help of the government of the Netherlands.

Etymology of Scotland

However, a 2006 study published by the University of Edinburgh suggest that segments of Scottish society continue to distinguish between those who claim to be Scots on ethnic grounds and those who claim to be Scots on the grounds of civic commitment.

Evgenii Dainov

Has published three major monographs, one collection of short stories and participated in 28 collections of papers concentrating on issues relating to civil society, community development, politics, public administration, reform and minority integration.

Friedrich Heckmann

Since the founding of the efms, Heckmann has been a consultant to the German Federal Government, the European Commission, to local and municipal governments, foundation (non-profit) and civil society organizations.

Global Movement for Children

As the key players in the Global Movement for Children, Machel and Mandela engage political, civil society, youth, religious and other leaders in the campaign to improve the lives of children throughout the world.

Guram Sharadze

Since then, Sharadze withdrew from politics, but attempted to organize a civic movement against Western influences in Georgia, denouncing the civil society work of philanthropist George Soros as potentially more pernicious to Georgia than the Bolshevik revolution.

John Tukey

Among many contributions to civil society, Tukey served on a committee of the American Statistical Association that produced a report challenging the conclusions of the Kinsey Report, Statistical Problems of the Kinsey Report on Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.

Mensur Akgün

He has traveled extensively and participated in various international conferences as a speaker representing both academia and civil society.


Ioan T. Morar (b. 1956), journalist, poet, dramatist, novelist, literary and art critic, and civil society activist.

Social risk management

The process of application was launched with a workshop in Lomé for key stakeholders from the government and civil society in November 1998.

Third place

In his influential book The Great Good Place, Ray Oldenburg (1989, 1991) argues that third places are important for civil society, democracy, civic engagement, and establishing feelings of a sense of place.

see also

American School of Recife

It is officially registered in the State of Pernambuco as a Civil Society with tax-exempt status under Brazilian law.

Arabica Magazine

The March 2001 issue ran a feature article written by Karim Alrawi titled Egypt:The Uncivil Society in which he discussed the steady undermining of social and civil society institutions, the corruption and economic stagnation that were a consequence of the policies of the Mubarak regime.

Basil Fernando

Through a study entitled Demoralization and Hope - creating the social foundations for sustaining democracy, a comparative study of ideas of N.F.S. Grungtvig of Denmark and B.R. Ambedkar of India, he contributed to the development of civil society theory.

Community of Democracies

Leading up to the 2005 meeting in Santiago, the Chilean Executive Secretariat coordinated meetings of NGOs in six regions where civil society representatives met to discuss challenges and democracy deficits in their respective regions.

Feminism in Thailand

The Thai State claims to function as a civil society with an intersectionality between gender inequality and activism in its political spheres.

Floods in Bihar

A recent fact finding report for the Kosi floods of 2008, prepared by a civil society organization by various experts like Dr. Sudhir Sharma, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mishra, and Gopal Krishna, highlighted that although India has built over 3000 km of embankments in Bihar over the last few decades, the flooding propensity has increased by 2.5 times during the same time period, not to mention that embankments failed during each major flooding event.


Naira Gelashvili (born 1947), Georgian fiction writer, philologist, Germanist, civil society activist

Gerald Celente

Hugo Lindgren and ABC News have labelled Celente's predictions "pessimism porn" for their doom and the alleged eschatological thrill some people receive from imagining his predictions of the collapse of civil society in the wake of a global economic crisis.

Gillian Sorensen

An experienced public speaker, she has addressed audiences as diverse as Rotary International and the United States Air Force Academy; university students; journalists and leaders of civil society.

James O'Higgins Norman

In 2008 he was nominated to the board of Clans of Ireland a UN Civil Society NGO and in 2009 became Vice Chairperson.

Linguapax Institute

Finally, Linguapax delivers yearly the International Linguapax Award (Linguapax Prize) to linguists, researchers, professors or members of the civil society as a tribute to their outstanding work in the field of linguistic diversity and multilingual education.

Luzviminda Tancangco

GMANews.TV reported that in August 2002, "NAMFREL and other civil society organizations" filed an "impeachment complaint" against "COMELEC Commissioner Luzviminda Tancangco", and that the complaint was "endorsed by Rep. Monico Puentevella".

Michela Wrong

"It's Our Turn to Eat: The Story of a Kenyan Whistle-Blower" (2009) tells the story of John Githongo, a Kenyan journalist and civil society activist who, in 2002, took on a senior anti-corruption role within the newly elected government of President Mwai Kibaki.

Middle East Partnership Initiative

Today, MEPI’s programs increase the capacity of civil society organizations in the region to advance political participation, foster economic reform, support quality education, and empower women and youth in the Middle East and North Africa, areas identified as critical by President Barack Obama in his June 4, 2009 speech at Cairo University.

National Commission for Justice and Peace

In 1992 when the government tried to include religion on the National Identity Card, the civil society in Pakistan waged a countrywide campaign under the leadership of NCJP’s Chairperson Bishop John Joseph.

Office of the Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies

In October 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton created the Office of the Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies, and appointed Tomicah Tillemann to lead its work.

Public Services International

PSI is an officially recognised non-governmental organization for the public sector within the International Labour Organization, and works with the United Nations system in partnership with labour, civil society and other organisations.

Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award

Other recipients are civil society activists Teesta Setalvad and Harsh Mander (jointly), S N Subbarao, Swami Agnivesh and Madari Moideen (jointly), former President K R Narayanan, Nirmala Deshpande, Hem Dutta (2007), N Radhakrishnan and Gautam Bhai.

Raymond Shonholtz

Partners for Democratic Change received the JAMS Foundation’s Fourth Annual Warren Knight Award in recognition of Partners effectively managing and resolving conflict and for assisting emerging democracies throughout the world to advance a civil society.

S K Tressler

Tressler chaired a seminar ‘Role of Civil Society in 21st century’ organized by Department of Communication and Media studies at Fatima Jinnah Women University in collaboration with the Human Rights and Minorities Department to mark the International Human Rights Day in Rawalpindi.

Saint-Louis de Gonzague

Andre Apaid, businessman, Leader of the civil society movement Group of 184

Scilla Elworthy

In 1982 she founded the Oxford Research Group (ORG) an NGO which independently researched decision-making on security in the five major nuclear nations during and after the Cold War and brought together policy-makers, academics, the military and civil society to engage in dialogue.

Secular liberalism

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution, offering freedom of speech, has been criticized in a 2004 political manifesto by David Fergusson entitled Church, state and civil society.

Serb Democratic Forum

Forum has won numerous awards for his work in affirmation of human rights and civil society, most notably the Democracy and Civil Society Award in 1998, awarded by the U.S. and EU for promotion of democratic values.

Social audit

Civil society organisations (CSOs), nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), political representatives, civil servants and workers of Dungarpur district of Rajasthan and Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh collectively organise such social audits to prevent mass corruption under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

Social capital

In international development, Ben Fine and John Harriss have been heavily critical of the inappropriate adoption of social capital as a supposed panacea (promoting civil society organisations and NGOs, for example, as agents of development) for the inequalities generated by neo liberal economic development.

South African municipal election, 2011

There were vote boycott campaigns by a number of civil society organisations including Soundz of the South, the Mandela Park Backyarders, the Mitchell's Plain Backyarders Association and various communities such as Blikkiesdorp in Western Cape, Morutsi in Limpopo, King William's Town and Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape, Cato Ridge in KwaZulu-Natal, Ermelo in Mpumalanga and elsewhere around the country.


Stelian Tănase (b. 1952), leading figure of Romanian civil society

The Haitian National Truth and Justice Commission

Haiti's once diverse and lively civil society had been tarnished greatly as a result of the ousting of its first democratically-elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, by its military forces.

Timeline of Shakespeare criticism

Allan Bloom, 1964: "Shakespeare devotes great care to establishing the political setting in almost all his plays, and his greatest heroes are rulers who exercise capacities which can only be exercised within civil society. To neglect this is simply to be blinded by the brilliance of one's own prejudices. As soon as one sees this, one cannot help asking what Shakespeare thought about a good regime and a good ruler." on his Shakespeare's Politics (with Harry V. Jaffa).

Treaty of Nice

A 'Yes' vote was urged by a massive campaign by the main parties and by civil society and the social partners, including campaigning through canvassing and all forms of media by respected pro-European figures like then EP president Pat Cox, former Czech president Václav Havel, former President of Ireland Patrick Hillery and former Taoiseach (prime minister) Dr. Garret Fitzgerald.

Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent

The 2013 recipients of the prize were: Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat, North Korean democracy activist Park Sang Hak, and Cuban civil society group the Ladies in White.

World People's Conference on Climate Change

The World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth was a global gathering of civil society and governments hosted by the government of Bolivia in Tiquipaya, just outside the city of Cochabamba from April 19–22, 2010.