He has written extensively on this theme, basing his work on studies on Sri Lanka, Cambodia and several other Asian countries.In three interconnected publications, The phantom limb: Failing judicial systems, torture and human rights work in Sri Lanka; Recovering the authority of public institutions: A resource book on human rights in Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka: Impunity, criminal justice and human rights, he analyzed to collapse of rule of law institutions in Sri Lanka.
Through a study entitled Demoralization and Hope - creating the social foundations for sustaining democracy, a comparative study of ideas of N.F.S. Grungtvig of Denmark and B.R. Ambedkar of India, he contributed to the development of civil society theory.
San Fernando Valley | Fernando Botero | Fernando Alonso | Basil Rathbone | San Fernando | Fernando de Noronha | San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago | Fernando de la Rúa | Fernando Henrique Cardoso | Fernando Arrabal | Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba | Basil II | Toni Basil | Basil of Caesarea | Basil I | Fernando de la Mora | Basil | San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca | San Fernando, California | Fernando Po | Fernando Perez | Fernando González | Fernando Saunders | Fernando Hierro | Fernando Flores | Fernando Ferrer | Fernando Amorsolo | Fernando Álvarez de Toledo | Basil Fawlty | Basil Dearden |