Donation Land Claim Act | Wrongful death claim | wrongful death claim | The Three Greenhorns#The Brickmaker's Claim | Brickmaker's Claim | Ambit claim |
Adler, Franco and Mendelssohn claim that the destruction of Safed took place in 1660, Mendelssohn writing that the Jews of Safed "had suffered severely" when the city had been destroyed by the Arabs.
Å, which means stream or small river, is a contender for the title of shortest place-name in the world — although other places named Å as well as Ö and Y can make the same claim.
When philosophy student Peter (Goorjian) is abandoned by his Danish girlfriend in Los Angeles, his friend Chris (Duval) invites him to South Dakota to claim a Harley Davidson he has inherited from an uncle.
Hill said that many of the drug dealers claim to be affiliated with Mexican drug cartels or gangs like MS-13.
A High Court ruling disagreed with his claim, and the-then Justice Secretary Jack Straw stated that the British public would "find it abhorrent that human remains were being burned in this way."
The Mazrui of Mombasa sided with Ahmad and sent troops to support his claim.
The social scene was an important part of the festival; some cricketers formed the Canterbury Old Stagers to provide entertainment in the evenings of the Cricket Week and they claim to be the oldest extant amateur dramatic company in the world.
This claim is at least partly true, since men from Pirkkala appear as witnesses in a document from 1374 about local borders in northern Pohjanmaa.
About a week after Flores' claim first became known, the Gerontology Research Group said there were several problems with his claim.
However, Governor Robert Eden disputed Harford's inheritance, and in 1774 tried to claim a part of the estate on behalf of his wife Caroline.
(The 2nd Baron Stamp may claim a shorter tenure, but merely through a legal fiction.)
The first is unlikely, although not an impossibility, but it lacks evidence; nothing has come to light to support the second claim, and there is no Swedish noble family named Roehenstart.
At the request of William Wilberforce and Henry Grey Bennet (who was then Shrewsbury's local Member of Parliament) in 1808 he drew up a report on the management of factories, as an answer to a claim made in parliament that manufactories were hotbeds of vice.
James Searle, a close friend of John Adams, and a delegate, began a cane fight on the floor of Congress against Thomson over a claim that he was misquoted in the "Minutes" that resulted in both men being slashed in the face.
Others of the dispossessed Clan had joined with Clan Dugall Craignish and some went to Perthshire and joined with the MacGregors, leading to an ill-informed present-day claim that MacInnes is a Sept of MacGregor.
An example of such a group was 'ComputerTown North East' (Newcastle-upon-Tyne & Gateshead) which met in the Tyne & Wear Science Museum cafe (and thus could claim to be the first ever cyber-cafe on Tyneside).
Fears that France would lay claim to the land prompted the Governor of New South Wales, Ralph Darling, to send Major Edmund Lockyer, with troops and 23 convicts, to establish a settlement at King George Sound.
The claim of the third, Gregory VI, was peculiar in that he had purchased the title in good faith from Benedict IX two years previously.
The title of Count of Tyrone has been used by two European branches of the O'Neill family to claim affiliation with the O'Neill Earls of Tyrone in the Peerage of Ireland.
This led the Food Standards Agency to request Hillingdon trading standards officers to launch an investigation into whether the claim was accurate.
According to Ronald Hutton, his response was to claim an entirely independent, traditional line of descent, leading ultimately to the appearance of Alexandrian Wicca as an entity separate from Gardnerian Wicca.
Much of his 1991 book co-authored with James Rusbridger reflects Rusbridger’s views rather than his own, particularly the claim that Churchill concealed warnings about Pearl Harbor from Roosevelt in order to get America in the war.
In 1223 Ermesinde and Waleran pressed their claim to Namur against Margrave Philip II, but were ultimately unsuccessful.
In 2005 Chen Yonglin, then Chinese consulate-general working in Sydney, defected to the Australian government by a formal claim for political asylum.
This website provides information on the Standish family in relation to the American Captain Myles Standish, and his descendents’ attempts to establish a claim to the inheritance.
Persian sources claim that a battle was fought (Battle of Misiche) near modern Fallujah (Iraq) and resulted in a major Roman defeat and the death of Gordian III.
According to Ian Lustick, Dore Gold, as advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996, opposed any compromise with Palestinians on their claim to a capital in Jerusalem, and advised a unilateral Judaization of the whole area.
Viktor Kalashnikov and Marina Kalashnikova - journalists who claim to have been poisoned with mercury by the Russian authorities
Keedz claim to fame was the big commercial success of the title track "Stand on the Word" from the album.
The Knockbride clubman helped Cavan by scoring 2pts to claim their only Ulster Senior Football Championship title in 28 years, beating Derry in Clones.
Rader accused Benacquisto of committing 105 election law violations in a television advertisement, a claim which Politifact rated as a true statement.
It was this claim to this ancient Brittonic lineage by a British monarch that led to a widepread feeling of the fulfilment of the myth of the Mab Darogan, a messianic figure of Welsh legend destined to reclaim Britain for the Celtic inhabitants.
Numakura plans to poison Mikami and to claim Etsuko as his own, but Viagra is substituted for the poison, thereby thwarting Numakura's plans.
A USA today article by Greg Farrell based on interviews with two dozen former colleagues, found that her claim to be a former Enron Executive and as the first whistleblower at Enron can't be substantiated.
He justified his claim showing the name Paulleli as a combination of Greek Paulus and Hebrew Eli;thus, meaning God supplies the inadequacy.He also claimed that, at an age of 13, he made a blood covenant with God, who exchanged a yodh for the he in his baptismal name;thereafter, renaming his original name from Holiger to Oliger(Olliger), to connote
Partially in contrast to what Terje Holm as well as Torkel Hovland claim, military historian Tom Kristensen emphasizes that even though Otto Ruge participated in the downsizing of the Norwegian Army during the early 1930s, he also warned against the renewed threat after 1935 and pointed to the weakness of the Norwegian mobilization system.
Saint Peter Nolasco (1189–1256), Pere Nolasc in Catalan, Pierre Nolasque in French and Pedro Nolasco in Spanish, is a Catholic saint, born at Mas-des-Saintes-Puelles, Languedoc, today's France, although some historians claim he was born in Barcelona (see Encyclopædia Britannica).
An urban legend states that Pholcidae are the most venomous spiders in the world, but this claim has been proven untrue.
On 24 June 2013, the Dutch news blog GeenStijl posted a video in which Baldassarre was seen checking in at the European Parliament to claim a 304 euro daily expenses fee, leaving immediately afterwards.
Its tales of drastic adventures were based on the model of Spanish rogue stories (such as Lazarillo de Tormes 1554), which were fashionable due to the contemporary publication of Scarron's Roman Comique (or Comical Romance, so the English title which established the genre), and savoury with the events Head could claim to have based on his personal experience.
Traveling by steamer from Seattle, they landed at an Indian settlement called Pysht on the Strait of Juan de Fuca and hiked inland 20 miles through the rainforest to their claim.
Sankofa's supporters, including Coretta Scott King, bishop Desmond Tutu, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and celebrities Danny Glover, Kenny Rogers, Lionel Richie, Harry Belafonte and Ruby Dee, brought his case international attention, arguing that his conviction was based on the claim that the testimony of a single eyewitness who said she saw him for a few seconds in the dark parking lot committing the murder.
His son, Cecil, became the eighth baronet and succeeded to the title of 12th Lord Zouche, of Haryngworth on 27 August 1815, after establishing his claim to this title through the families of Hedges, Tate and Zouche.
She later claimed that her comments were quoted out of context, and were directed at teenage bloggers in general — a claim disputed by the Scottish Sunday Express editor Derek Lambie.
They hold claim to finding Tasmanian Tigers sensation Brendan Drew and were once the home of Graham Thorpe, Nathan Bracken and Ireland 2007 World Cup hero Jeremy Bray.
Nowhere does Justice Hughes state that those cases stand for the broad proposition that each claim in a patent represents a separate invention.
Officially, their lineage can be traced definitively to at least 820 C.E, which is based on the claim of descent from the Later Cheras of the three southern Indian Mandala Kingdoms namely Chera Mandalam, Pandya Mandalam and Chola Mandalam.
Justice Harlan wrote a brief concurrence, in which he agreed with Brennan's discussion of pendent jurisdiction, but disagreed with his interpretation of the standard of proof required for a claim under the Norris-LaGuardia Act.
He was born in Oropesa, Spain, about 1495 and most sources claim he died on Puná Island, now part of Ecuador, in 1541, at the hands of the indigenous peoples.
In the book Gardner also repeats the claim, which had originated with Matilda Joslyn Gage, that 9 million victims were killed in the European witch-hunts.