
3 unusual facts about Clan Donald

Clan Donald

Ardtornish Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle located on the peninsula Morvern.

Dunaverty Castle is a ruined MacDonald castle, off the coast of Kintyre, known as Blood Rock because of the incident known as the Dunaverty Massacre.

Gofraid mac Fergusa

Gofraid was claimed as an ancestor in the eighth generation of Somerled, progenitor of the Clann Somhairle and thus Clan Donald, and it seems that these entries were added to glorify Clan Donald.

Hugh of Sleat

The present chief of Clan Donald, Godfrey James Macdonald of Macdonald, and the present chief of Clan Macdonald of Sleat, Sir Ian Godfrey Bosville Macdonald of Sleat, are both descendants of Hugh.

Lady of the Glen

It is a re-telling of the 1692 Massacre of Glencoe, and focuses on a romantic relationship between Catriona of Clan Campbell and Alasdair Og MacDonald of Clan Donald, each from rival clans.

Manus O'Cahan's Regiment

By the Civil War of the mid-seventeenth century there was already a centuries old blood feud running between the Campbell and Macdonald clans.

Uí Ímair

Although their descent from Godred Crovan is through the female line, Alex Woolf believes the Clann Somhairle (Clan Donald and Clan MacDougall) or the Lords of the Isles can be regarded as a "cadet branch" of the Uí Ímair, as they apparently based their claim to the Isles on this descent (according to Woolf).

see also

Clan MacAlister

This chief was involved, among the Macleans and Clan Donald South, in the invasion of the Campbell territories of Rosneath, Lennox, and Craignish, in 1529.