
4 unusual facts about Clearing the Channel Coast

Clearing the Channel Coast

The advance to the Seine had outstripped the preparations of the Royal Canadian Engineers for bridging equipment and assault boats, but with hard work, newly assembled assault boats carried the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division across the Seine at Elbeuf on 27 August.

The 6th Airlanding Brigade of the British 6th Airborne Division took Honfleur on the Seine estuary, but in general, progress along the coast was slower than inland, rivers being wider and more difficult to cross.

For this operation, 6th Airborne Division included the 1st Belgian Infantry Brigade and the Royal Netherlands Brigade (Prinses Irene), which were to gain "operational experience in quieter sections of the line in the hope that ultimately they would return to their own countries and form nuclei around which larger national forces might be organized".

To this end, the US Third Army advanced northwards to Elbeuf, across the British 2nd Army's line of advance, to cut off the route towards Paris.

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