
3 unusual facts about Cleis Press

Cleis Press

Over the years, Cleis Press has published nonfiction books by Susie Bright, Annie Sprinkle, Edmund White, Essex Hemphill, Gore Vidal, Christine Jorgensen, Matthue Roth, Patrick Califia, Violet Blue (author), Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson and Tristan Taormino, among others.

Neil S. Plakcy

A frequent contributor to gay anthologies, Plakcy also edited three collections of gay erotica for Cleis Press, Hard Hats, Surfer Boys and Skater Boys.

Richard Labonté

After Michael Thomas Ford stepped down as editor of Cleis Press's annual Best Gay Erotica series in 1996, Labonté was invited to become editor of the series, because the deadline for the next anthology was imminent and his job as a bookstore manager meant he would have extensive contacts in the gay literary world whose work he could call in quickly.

Dale Lazarov

His collaboration with artist Drubskin, "The Welcome Back Fuck", was featured in Best Gay Erotica 2007 and subsequently in Best of the Best Gay Erotica, both published by Cleis Press.

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